I just joined this site..
But I honestly am questioning WHY now..
It seems there is a hidden agenda here...
Why can some people get away with saying whatever they want...
And others get banned for sticking up for themselves or others...
I mean are the mods getting that much free pussy that they will stick up for worthless hookers that give bad service?

It seems to me from lerking for months that people here could really care less about honesty...

So let's sugarcoat all these hookers and pay for shitty service...

I think they need a new pool of mods here..
These dudes are getting to much FREE PUSSY!!
Well we all know that the MOD position is high paying job for sure. Pretty sure they are not on patrol 24/7...way too many post for them to read everything. Since we aren't able to see when someone gets sanctioned/pointed for bad behavior it might appear that they are not doing their job.

RTM helps MODS be more efficient. Mods can't be everywhere all the time. There have been a couple of times that I've questioned the process too. If you find an issue with a MOD...bump it up to an ADMIN for review. We are extremely fortunate to have very good female MODS.
"...that people here could really care less about honesty..."

Just want you to think about that statement with relation to the reason we all came to ECCIE. I'm not assuming to speak for everyone else. But, I came here to live a lie. Any honesty here is purely circumstantial, I think.

To wit, I have not "lied", per se, about my experiences. But, not a single name in these pages is real. And, I often laugh about being old, fat and bald. But, in reality, I look a lot like Sam Elliot, but better....really!

Y'all have fun. Just gonna trim my moustache and go for a ride on my chopper.

"Any of you sumbitches calls me Grandpa, I'll kill ya'"
mrredcat43's Avatar
Bowdown, how are you, sir?
Yep he has been reported to have a proportionally LONG dick. We were awaiting his return.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Bowdown, how are you, sir? Originally Posted by mrredcat43
Exactly what I was thinking lol
guest071618-1's Avatar
I asked same before. U won't find answers to any favoritisms. Move on and just enjoy. Play your own way..
"...that people here could really care less about honesty..."

Just want you to think about that statement with relation to the reason we all came to ECCIE. I'm not assuming to speak for everyone else. But, I came here to live a lie. Any honesty here is purely circumstantial, I think. Originally Posted by Billogoods
If you think about it, in one way or another we are all lying on here.

Photos of ladies may be posed in a way that you may not see them looking exactly like that when you see them. Many times they are posed to avoid showing tummies, or stretch marks, but it's not like we openly advertise stuff like that.

Then there are the guys that continually contact you and never book. In a sense, they are lying that they "want to come see you".

And in regards to special treatment from mods because the ladies are giving them sex or whatever the OP was trying to make from that point...yes, some mods have seen me, even reviewed me, but I don't believe I get special treatment for that. I have been called out on my behavior before (especially when I was on aspd and was way more vocal about my opinions).

The only reason I believe I have gotten any "favoritism" from any mod is because I am respectful to them, even if I have gone on a rant and called someone out in a mean way and gotten points.

Granted, that has been several years since something like that happened.

And the mod I usually contact when I need some help is NYr, whom I have never slept with. He is a very fair and just mod, and usually gets back to us ladies as fast as he can to resolve a situation we might need help with. Speaking of which, I need to ask him a question. Thanks for the reminder.
chicagoboy's Avatar
WOW THESE MODS ARE ON THEIR JOB Originally Posted by 10inchbwc
At least one mod was on the job - the OP has been banned.
ElBombero's Avatar
At least one mod was on the job - the OP has been banned. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Really? I was just beginning to not like him.
At least one mod was on the job - the OP has been banned. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
It needed to happen.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
Thank you mods. We got enough cry babies here as is.
I will suck the dick of whoever banned manslut's bitchy ass.
TheEccie214's Avatar
I will suck the dick of whoever banned manslut's bitchy ass. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
It was me - trust me.