Ms. Star, I wan to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
The more than generous offer to send a large portion of your fee to Wildflower victims will be put to very good use. Mikki and Yogi need to be groomed this week, groceries need to be bought, I'm even looking at tv and computer upgrades. Thanks so very much. You're a true humanitarian!!!
Oops, wait a minute. As I get older, my eyes don't quite work as well. That's WildFIRE victims. So sorry. But, I guess your still a humanitarian. I'm sure that's a good cause also. Mikki and Yogi will go a little longer. My big screen and computer will be ok.
It is a nice gesture. You are to be congratulated. It's a shame we can't be more open about doing stuff like this. I remember at one of the aspd Christmas Parties, Julia was doing a toy campaign and generated a lot. It would truly be great if we could do things like this.
Again, good idea Ms. Starr.
The Wildfire Victim
I mean, The Wildflower Group