Researching providers

  • 05-24-2013, 08:41 AM
When doing research on a provider how do you find out about their practices that may not be in the reviews? For example if its an incall will she have clean sheets?
I try not to think about it....but when ladies spend several days and presumably see multiple clients in their hotel rooms, clean sheets for every session just isn't going to happen. In fact, I often quiver when I think, "Is that a clean, fresh wash cloth she just used to clean me up.....or did she just rinse it out after using it on her previous client?"

There is a certain amount of decadence that is part of the hobby. One simply has to accept that fact if he is planning on continuing the hobby experience. And, perhaps one should take their own clean sheets and wash cloth to a session? LOL!!
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I always have a basket on my dresser with fresh, clean, folded, dry washclothes for my clients. No recycling, that is disgusting. In addition, clean sheets are a must!!! I just lay a clean top sheet over my bed and comforter and change it after each use. No exceptions!!
  • 05-24-2013, 10:12 AM
I always have a basket on my dresser with fresh, clean, folded, dry washclothes for my clients. No recycling, that is disgusting. In addition, clean sheets are a must!!! I just lay a clean top sheet over my bed and comforter and change it after each use. No exceptions!! Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Good to know

I guess I just want to know how guys find out about all this? Im sure some guys don't care and that's fine, but is there a good way to find out more about the experience than just what is on the menu.
PM a few of the guys who have reviewed her recently with your questions.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
The Men's Lounge might be an option. You can more freely discuss providers and their practices in private, rather than an open coed forum where they might fear retaliation from providers.
Ewww...that is so gross! Just no.

1st; If she is an experienced traveler she will either book a room with 2 beds or book 2 rooms. One of the beds or the spare room is hers - non working.

2nd; I won't speak for every other provider, but over time I have collected a suitcase full of sheets, pillowcases, washcloths and towels. all from hotels all white and I also pack detergent & bleach.

So here are your "check & see" rules:
1) Since I know you guys always go into the restroom & at the least wash your hands (if not shower), you should see clean dry washcloths & towels. Yes? Okie dokie then.

2)If you come to my incall and pull back all the sheets on the bed I will be so damn pissed. I have king size sheets that I cover the bed with. A fresh one for every client. Those extra sheets below the blanket are like insurance or back up. By some fluke of fate I may actually need to sleep in that bed and those final sheets are mine.
No. You have not bought the rights to them. <this really irks me can you tell?>

Keep in mind, it doesn't take providers long to figure out to get extra towels & sheets from hotels. They are free after all. It's just the requesting too many & raising red flags (hence my collection plus when I wash them, i know they have been thoroughly cleaned. I've heard more than one comment about the bleach smell of my sheets.)

Pillows....pillows too. Don't wallow on every damn pillow in the room okay? I also may need to sleep on one or two of them. (I usually just throw 2 on the bed & put the others - mine - in the closet).

So I think that is how it should go and what works best for me.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I love Sandra Dee, not only is she truly amazing, but she brings her own sheet to outcall. We have a set routine where she goes in the bathroom to change, and I put on the sheet and set up the music and toys she brings with her.
Rest assured, that there are always clean linens on my bed along with fresh washcloths and towels in the guest bathroom. It's disgusting to think a provider would entertain time and again on the same sheets. Ewwww!
er48665's Avatar
On arrival blacklight all sheets for cum stains.
I always have a basket on my dresser with fresh, clean, folded, dry washclothes for my clients. No recycling, that is disgusting. In addition, clean sheets are a must!!! I just lay a clean top sheet over my bed and comforter and change it after each use. No exceptions!! Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Rest assured, that there are always clean linens on my bed along with fresh washcloths and towels in the guest bathroom. It's disgusting to think a provider would entertain time and again on the same sheets. Ewwww! Originally Posted by KarynKumming
I change the sheets after each rendezvous. I have a private incall & generally only see one patron per day so, after he's gone the sheets go straight into the washing machine & the bed is made up with a clean set. I also keep clean washcloths & towels on the shelf above the toilet so my date can take what he needs. There is no excuse for not supplying a gentleman with clean everything when he is visiting you & spending his hard earned money on you & I expect the same when visiting a gent at his hotel or home. I once went a patron's home & the bathroom was so dirty I was afraid to touch the handle to turn on the faucet. I am a bit OCD when it comes to cleanliness so, just standing in the bathroom totally freaked me out. Thank goodness I carry hand sanitizer in my purse to use after I washed my hands in his sink.

Another thing; ladies should always wipe the toilet clean before & after each client. If I was a man, I wouldn't want to lift the lid to do my business & see stains, etc from previous users. ICK!