And Then There's North Korea.......

I'm sure President Obama and SoS kerry can get us just as good a deal with this bunch.

I'm sure President Obama and SoS kerry can get us just as good a deal with this bunch. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, are you referring to the same type of "good deal" that Shrubbie negotiated with North Korea prior to Obama & Kerry?

And as Clinton, GHW Bush, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Ike and Truman negotiated with North Korea before Shrubbie and Obama.

Those were all good deals, weren't they?
LexusLover's Avatar
Let it sit until 2017.
Let it sit until 2017. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, will 2017 be the year that you finally muster up the courage to answer the "simple question" relating to the spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq!

Fuk'n Cowardly Idiot!