What's the point of putting your number in your showcase if you call me a cop for contacting?

If I txt you please don't respond 6 hours later saying I was blowing your shit up, then call me a cop. I sent you 1 txt. That said hi. The same txt I sent out to like 5 other providers. Thankfully I found one that doesn't act like a total ass to people. Seriously don't put your number in the showcase if you don't want people contacting you.
  • jwood
  • 01-30-2014, 06:12 PM
Think this is in the wrong place. Give us a link, who you talking about.
This is the area for questions, I guess I just worded it wrong.

Instead of what's the point of putting your number in the showcase if your just going to call me a cop for contacting you.

I should have asked

What's the point of numbers in the showcase if providers are just going to call you a cop for contacting them?
  • jwood
  • 01-30-2014, 09:29 PM
This area is questions for the staff, look at the top of the page. The staff does not answer questions about providers.
gman44's Avatar
That's right, I don't have an answer for you

How providers conduct their screening process is at their own perogative.
This matter does not involve the staff. Moved to Coed
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
I think PM before you call, at least ref info or their screening info because it can be very overwhelming to get many calls with no info to go off of.

(Seeing that there is nothing to go off of per post/no reviews and all)

Some times are better than others when calling providers for the first time, you must remember they are a person.

A person that doesn't know you from Leo or John.
(You know what we look like in most cases, know where we provide/travel/who we've met/e-mail/phone number and some-what of our personality)

You are a stranger! We don't know anything about you-what you like-we wouldn't even be able to figure out what type of girl your interested in, your kinks, NOTHING based on your post. You have left no type of personality.

(Just an eye opener.)

And I say this NOT to say accusations are okay, because they are NOT but just so that you can get a better understanding.
Another thing is saying just hi I in a text I never respond to those texts... Most of the people who text hi are a waste of my time... Girls who put there numbers on there showcase do it for appointments not hi how are you the description of your day and etc
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Lol +1 @ Dorothy about the 'hi' texts (and texts of that nature).
I treat one word texts like emails: stare at it like o_O and delete. Especially if I don't know you .... it 99% of the time leads to 20 more texts about jack-shit and I don't have the time (nor patience) for that. Texting you like they're the only person you have to talk to ALL DAY -_-.
it does help if you put your e handle in your text