Are you a GROWN or a GROWL?

  • PT4ME
  • 11-07-2010, 10:09 AM
this is "stolen" from the Detroit Lions fans back in the 90's....

Our "votes" will not influence "Mistah Jerry" in the slightest I am sure, but what's the general consenus here;

are you a "GROWN" - "Get Rid Of Wade Now"

or a "GROWL" - Get Rid Of Wade Later"???

...personally, I am a "GROWL", as I think there is not a lot to gain other than "embarassing" a professional by firing him mid-season. However, it might boost "morale", and give the "new" coach a head start on next season.

Looking at the "talent" on this team, I am convinced at this point it has to be the coaching

your thoughts?.........


(oh! and pack Jason Garrett's shit with him)
tml's Avatar
  • tml
  • 11-07-2010, 04:16 PM
The real problem isn't the coaching, it's our offensive line. Well....that's partially right. It partially IS coaching, but not anywhere near completely.

First of all, you talk about the talent level on the team....but the talent is severely lacking on the offensive line. The starting five are all serviceable, but not any better than that.....and the starting five haven't been together to start a game all year least one or two have been injured and out of every game this year so far.

As for coaching, Wade's basically in charge of the defense, which is doing fairly well under the circumstances.....and Jason Garrett is a great play DESIGNER.....he's just not a very good play CALLER. He's too predictable. If there's a more experienced offensive coach to call the game, THAT is the change I would make.....that, and pick up a couple of good lineman in free agency.

Make those changes, and Dallas goes 13-3 next season. Granted, a year too late for a "home Super Bowl," but with a good shot at the game.
daty/o's Avatar
The problem is discipline and that IS coaching. I'm a GROWALTA.
Get rid of Wade a long time ago. (and his asshole boss, too)
Totally agree with u tml... wade can't be to blame for it all... if anyone holds any guilt to our sorry season I think it should be Jason Garret
Well, looks like it's buh-bye Wade..........
  • PT4ME
  • 11-08-2010, 01:16 PM
Well, THAT didn't take long!!!

"Wade" is now the "man in charge" UGGGGHHH!!!!

I remember saying a year ago Wade had to go. But noooooo! Im a girl. A girl cant know anything about a sport, heaven forbid football!! GASP!!

If Jerr' didnt think he needed a new coach before NOW, he's a freaking IDIOT! And Jason Garret a culture change? Are you serious?????? Does he think we are that, I mean really, THAT stupid and just because he is "Jerruh" we are going to take him for that crap?? I havent been real impressed with Garret since the 1st year he was on the sideline...which was short lived in my mind, but hey..Im a "girl", what the hecK do I know.

Jerr's problem is he CAN buy who he wants. But damn...let them DO what you bought them to DO. Go away. Spend your $$ and let your $$ work in your favor....dumbsh*t!! IS a change and Lord knows a change could be the difference. Not this year, but a change is and has been needed for a while. I will give Garret the benefit of the doubt.

So, prove me wrong New Boy!!!
daty/o's Avatar
I remember saying a year ago Wade had to go. But noooooo! Im a girl. A girl cant know anything about a sport, heaven forbid football!! GASP!!

If Jerr' didnt think he needed a new coach before NOW, he's a freaking IDIOT! And Jason Garret a culture change? Are you serious?????? Does he think we are that, I mean really, THAT stupid and just because he is "Jerruh" we are going to take him for that crap?? I havent been real impressed with Garret since the 1st year he was on the sideline...which was short lived in my mind, but hey..Im a "girl", what the hecK do I know.

Jerr's problem is he CAN buy who he wants. But damn...let them DO what you bought them to DO. Go away. Spend your $$ and let your $$ work in your favor....dumbsh*t!! Originally Posted by Sophie
Soph, you're a girl after my own heart. Don't feel bad, I'm a guy and I have been saying that since day one with the same results. Nobody fuckin listens. All we have to do now is get rid of that asshole JJ.|183040
  • PT4ME
  • 11-09-2010, 07:02 AM
I remember saying a year ago Wade had to go. But noooooo! Im a girl. A girl cant know anything about a sport, heaven forbid football!! GASP!!

If Jerr' didnt think he needed a new coach before NOW, he's a freaking IDIOT! And Jason Garret a culture change? Are you serious?????? Does he think we are that, I mean really, THAT stupid and just because he is "Jerruh" we are going to take him for that crap?? I havent been real impressed with Garret since the 1st year he was on the sideline...which was short lived in my mind, but hey..Im a "girl", what the hecK do I know.

Jerr's problem is he CAN buy who he wants. But damn...let them DO what you bought them to DO. Go away. Spend your $$ and let your $$ work in your favor....dumbsh*t!! IS a change and Lord knows a change could be the difference. Not this year, but a change is and has been needed for a while. I will give Garret the benefit of the doubt.

So, prove me wrong New Boy!!! Originally Posted by Sophie

LOL, we all know you have been "football gal" since "day 1"... I'm sure he knew he needed a "change", and had probably figured out that he needed a new coach, but I have to give the man some credit for sticking with what he thought was correct, and for his "loyalty" to his "buds".

Being able to buy who you want is not a "problem" per se, (if it were, god we would ALL be in trouble) he just needs to buy better performing folks. LOL.....

I am sure that "Jerruh" wants HIS team to win even more than we do. I too get caught up in the "what was he thinking" "why the fuck" "what kind of Bo Schembechler move was that" mentality, but at the end of the day, it's his team. I argue with my dad all the time about the boyz, and find myself saying "If you think you can do better, just send your resume' into Valley Ranch....

But as a fan, none of the above "eases the pain" of watching your team go 1-7. Better late than never, and I hope there is a "change", if not in culture, at least in results.

Soph, you're a girl after my own heart. Don't feel bad, I'm a guy and I have been saying that since day one with the same results. Nobody fuckin listens. All we have to do now is get rid of that asshole JJ.|183040 Originally Posted by esteve
LOL, Steve, it's not that "nobody" listens, I'm sure we are all being "heard", JJ just doesn't want to do what we think is right, lol.

It is fun and frustrating at times, but it his HIS money, and HIS team, so I am not thinking that the GM, is going anywhere soon. No one is forced to play, coach or be a "fan" for the Cowboy's and with all we know, he still manages to get quality staff, players, fans, and butts in the seats.

I don't think the GM thing is gonna change until we start seeing a bunch of "unpaid for" empty seats, and even then he MAY slightly change his ways, but he will never give up control. When's the last time any of us "fired" ourselves??

Just my .02, I'm glad for the change, and really hope it works. Hopefully he will keep trying on coaches like we do shoes, if they don't fit, get a new pair!!

(his feet sure must be hurting, lol)

SASpurfan's Avatar
Granted, Wade is only the Head Coach, and he is not busting his nuts on the field each Sunday, nevertheless, he is responsible for what his team does. It is clear that anyone who works for Jerry Jones is subject to doing whatever Jerry wants done - and Wade suffered from this the past few years. I wish I thought that Jones could work with Cowher - he would bust some balls and get the Cowboys back on top. Dreams.