baby dallas

musta wore everybody out.
sure been a quiet few days.
What she doesn't get is that her attitude is horrendous. That and the CBJ. I don't give a fuck how fine you are, ain't happening.
Summary of many page post

BD...I do not give a shit about any of you of 2 typical reactions, either.

1. should not say that, it hurts your business
2. Reaction...well we do not care about you either

Her response...I am beautuful, busy and my pussy rules it does.not, cash rules

Repeat ad nauseum

How many times can it be said
I don't care what you say, as long as it's about me.

A Fallout Boy lyric, but quite possibly Baby D's mantra.

Should be if it isn't... Y'all can't quit talking about her.
the only bad publicity is no publicity
BabyDallass's Avatar
Wow! Lol I have been soooo busy working all weekend it's nice to see a whole thread started just about me... yall must really be that bored and obsessed with me...aww just flattering...I'm an attention whore, thanks for giving it to me It really shows that you guys have no life to go to this...or yall just want me to talk shit back to you because any attention is better than none right?
BabyDallass's Avatar
musta wore everybody out.
sure been a quiet few days. Originally Posted by notequiteatroll
Called working....get yall some...
BabyDallass's Avatar
Summary of many page post

BD...I do not give a shit about any of you of 2 typical reactions, either.

1. should not say that, it hurts your business
2. Reaction...well we do not care about you either

Her response...I am beautuful, busy and my pussy rules it does.not, cash rules

Repeat ad nauseum

How many times can it be said Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Summary of RockyCocks posts:

1. Sexy Brittany
2. Sexy Brittany
3. Have I told you about sexy Brittany??
4. I'm obsessed with sexy Brittany...
5. I hate every provider unless her name is sexy Brittany

Shut the fuck up nobody cares about sexy Brittany except YOU! So do us a favor and stop talking about someone that is not even here...get over it and find someone else. I bet you stalk sexy Brittany lol creepie dude
BabyDallass's Avatar
I don't care what you say, as long as it's about me.

A Fallout Boy lyric, but quite possibly Baby D's mantra.

Should be if it isn't... Y'all can't quit talking about her. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
They must like getting shit talked to if they keep coming back and this time they came directly at me...their weekend sucked that bad they had to make a thread about me lol I guess...
BabyDallass's Avatar
I shut you bitches up real quick lol love it
oh, i aint a fighter.
just a goofball
I shut you bitches up real quick lol love it Originally Posted by BabyDallass
Yeah... dumbass
Randall Creed's Avatar
How 'bout those Razorbacks!!

BabyDallass's Avatar
All jokes aside I have another hot new girl and She is GFE! Yall will love her, posting pics later