Cannot log on in Austin

I have taken this up with the local mods and also sent an email to the webmaster but I still have this prob. The issue is that when I go to the Austin site and log on I get the announcement that says thank you for logging in but I don't get logged on.

I can log on from the main board, from Dallas, Albuquerque, and Tanzania but not Austin.

I can log on from the main board and then switch to Montana, New Jersey and Bulgaria, but when I switch to Austin I am dead in the water.

I can log in to Austin and anywhere on my iPad.

Would this indicate the prob. is my computer or is it a website prob?

In either case can you please advise me, faithful readers.

(Go easy, I'm not that computer literate. Also, I have opened up for all cookies.)

Thanks vermillion,


30 minutes later, can't log on anywhere but main board. Very inconsistent. Sent from iPad