Sting on NW HW and I35

mar6's Avatar
  • mar6
  • 04-28-2010, 01:15 PM
Just saw a beautiful girl (10 on SW scale) in mini jean skirt displaying her wares near I35 and NW HW intersection. (white or possibly hispanic with long black hair). Went in for a pickup and some other guy beat me to her. She stood at the passenger door window and talked to him there about 20-30 seconds.

She then pointed to the parking lot next door (I assume to tell him to meet her there). She then gets in a car with a black guy who was parked nearby the whole time) and then the police roll up and the guy she was talking to was being cuffed in the parking lot.

Be careful guys. If a girl talks at the window without getting in she might be LE. Also, she looked a bit "too clean" to be a SW. My little head almost got me in handcuffs today. Never been more glad to get beat for a pickup.
oldmarine's Avatar
I don't know why you would take a chance on a SW when there are so many providers here who are verified and who screen. You are living on the edge and it will catch up with you sooner or later.
mar6's Avatar
  • mar6
  • 04-28-2010, 05:08 PM
We're all living on the edge, my friend.
gptxman's Avatar
I agree with both of you and we are all living on the edge (which is what makes life fun) but I also do think that verified providers here are the best way to go.
Ron Mexico's Avatar
I don't understand why people who come onto the "Other Reviews" section to scold people for their preferences. He didn't post to get lectured to, he's a grown man. He was just spreading information he felt was benefical. The street scene isn't for me, but to each is own.
oldmarine's Avatar
I was not scolding, just making an observation. I can see some advantages: immediate gratification, no need for a hobby phone, low cost. But for me the downside risk is just too great. No way do I want to have to explain to my SO why I got arrested and need a bailout.
gptxman's Avatar
I like oldmarine was just making an observation also and did not mean any thing negative about it at all. To each their own and I wish all luck with what ever path they take to get a nut. For all of you guys that have the balls to do the SW thing my hat is off to you but I don't. To be honest the first couple of providers were a little scary also but now that I know some of them are real and some of you guys are real I am slowly getting more comfortable with it.
I was in the same area a couple of days ago and saw a paddy wagon going behind a building. At the time, I wondered if there was a sting THEN. All of the TV stations are putting together their teasers to attract eyeballs and ears for next weeks sweeps. Nothing sells news more than busting people for sex.....
Sounds text book and could have been the latest episode of COPS. For a good laugh, search youtube for johntv.
For many guys that are into the "Street Scene", its not about the pussy as much as it is the thrill of the hunt. Its a different game and shouldn't be compared to the rest of ECCIE.

Imagine going on a safari to hunt a lion...there is much risk involved and there is a thrill in the whole endeavour. If I had to read reviews on lion hunting and I knew which bush the damn thing was hiding behind, how exactly she would run at me and where to shoot her...well shit, I don't want to hunt her anymore.
gptxman's Avatar
For many guys that are into the "Street Scene", its not about the pussy as much as it is the thrill of the hunt. Its a different game and shouldn't be compared to the rest of ECCIE.

Imagine going on a safari to hunt a lion...there is much risk involved and there is a thrill in the whole endeavour. If I had to read reviews on lion hunting and I knew which bush the damn thing was hiding behind, how exactly she would run at me and where to shoot her...well shit, I don't want to hunt her anymore. Originally Posted by dentonseek
Great way to put it in prospective for those of us that don't have the nerve to get out there ourselves.
Just read Logan's posts.
  • OFF
  • 04-29-2010, 01:48 PM
Interesting post. When I used to pick-up ladies on Harry Hines, the ones that I got to know warned me ... Never pick-up a lady who are walking on the street.

They said if she wasn't in a car, she was probably LE. I took that to heart and never did.

OFF :-)
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Oldmarine they must have issued you brass balls when you were in the service because you said you would hate to explain to your so how you got arrested and needed bail money,

I must be a chicken shit I would not call my S O I would call friends are whoever else I could think of and if I had to spend a night in jail I would have to tell my S O I got lost, got hit on the head and had amnesia, a sick friend was in the hospital are some other BS story but I would not call and ask for bail money, First off she would leave me there and the whole time I was in jail that would give her time to wipe out the bank accounts, and any other thing she could think of.

With all of that being said does any of you have a plan just in case that happens to you??

If so please advise so the rest of us can make are change plans and be ready if the need arises.
Oldmarine they must have issued you brass balls when you were in the service because you said you would hate to explain to your so how you got arrested and needed bail money,

I must be a chicken shit I would not call my S O I would call friends are whoever else I could think of and if I had to spend a night in jail I would have to tell my S O I got lost, got hit on the head and had amnesia, a sick friend was in the hospital are some other BS story but I would not call and ask for bail money, First off she would leave me there and the whole time I was in jail that would give her time to wipe out the bank accounts, and any other thing she could think of.

With all of that being said does any of you have a plan just in case that happens to you??

If so please advise so the rest of us can make are change plans and be ready if the need arises. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
If you are arrested in Dallas and taken to Lew Sterrett you will be put into a holding cell with your wallet in your pocket and a Bank of America ATM machine between the holding cell and the arraignment courtroom. You can bail yourself out. So the plan is...make sure you have enough bail money in your bank account and make sure your withdrawal limit is not $300 per day.