50 lbs of tit....

baytownswm's Avatar

now isn't this just taking a good thing and making it bad?? someone who can work pics be sure and grab one........pic that is.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
OK you are now on the same list as the Rat (probably not a good thing)

I won't be looking at ANY of your links again.

That was NASTY
baytownswm's Avatar
I warned ya!!!
baytownswm's Avatar
on a second note...now I can see the review ......" i wanted to try CG but passed out from lack of air. All and all pretty good deal for only $" ROFLMAO... someone needs to fess up, i know someone is going in.
simpleton's Avatar
wtf.. the face looks like a dude.
bullet0's Avatar
That was just plain scary!
ratboy jam's Avatar
The SAD thing is that somewhere...some guy is writing a review and giving high points for looks...and probably not any other trueisms regarding THAT session EITHER!!
I thought she looked like a guy too. Nasty.....
tikkler33's Avatar
I wonder if she is GFE?
Looks like Mike Tyson.
DRSlut's Avatar

I couldn't agree with you more. We all know that SOMEBODY will HIT that!!!!
notanewbie's Avatar
she was reviewed on the P fellas....and it was positive.
boardman's Avatar
She'd better be GFE. That's the only thing she could have going for her. I for one don't intend to find out!
ratboy jam's Avatar
she was reviewed on the P fellas....and it was positive. Originally Posted by notanewbie

Just wondering...when did it become OK to "out" a session??
The one about the three-way with her, civil, and tb2u was taken off the P for it's "gross" content...
Sailman's Avatar
She sounds like a bonafide, street walking hooker.

And what do you know, now that I re-read it, that's just about what it says.