Frustrated with this particular group help a sista out lol

Aliyahking's Avatar
So I'm well received and reviewed on other sites however im having issues with guys on this one I just started officially POSTING here a few weeks ago but the guys think I'm fake or that I have a "manager" I've only seen one guy from here but I get tons of inquiring. like wtf this has been the only group of guys that have given me issues everywhere else they love me!!!! I don't want to give up on eccie but I do just fine without it so I don't see a reason to stay if it continues this way. Why such a hard time here??????🙄🙄🙄
Sorry girl, I definitely feel your pain and understand.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
It just may take more time .. hang on here
Real talk....

1.0 You say book on your website. It isn't working.

2.0 Your only review didn't pass the "quack" test with the guys

3.0 CBJ

4.0 Dallas is a tough market with hundreds of ladies working. It's highly competitive.

5.0 No idea what your rates are, but that may be a factor especially with CBJ

6.0 Most of us will tell you that it can take years to build a strong reputation and establish regular clients. You have barely been here a month.

7.0 Try to participate more with conversations in Coed and other forums.

8.0 There are programs that guys use to see if the pics you post belong to you or someone else. (not saying that is necessarily an issue).

Those are the red flags that I can see that may be causing you issues. Sometimes it's better to ask advice in the ladies only areas.
GingerKatt's Avatar
So I'm well received and reviewed on other sites however im having issues with guys on this one I just started officially POSTING here a few weeks ago but the guys think I'm fake or that I have a "manager" I've only seen one guy from here but I get tons of inquiring. like wtf this has been the only group of guys that have given me issues everywhere else they love me!!!! I don't want to give up on eccie but I do just fine without it so I don't see a reason to stay if it continues this way. Why such a hard time here??????������ Originally Posted by Aliyahking

I had many of the same issues as Alaine.

Maybe this review didn't help you very much Aliyah. This client joined shortly before you did and I believe has only made one post; and that was to review you. He literally has not logged back into Eccie since he finished the review, not even to defend your reputation from the guys that don't believe the review.

But it does happen, I think many girls ask a client to join Eccie after a session, so they can write a review, even if he doesn't wish to stay on the site.

But actually your signature line kind of turned me off before I even looked at the review.

Many guys think it's odd for an AA lady to not see AA men.
Many people think it means she may have a pimp, AA or otherwise, if ANY lady says No AA. But you can certainly state your preferences! It's your body, you can see who you want to.

Your first sentence could lead people to think you may be a little high on your donations as you say something about a low price = bitterness and a bad session.

You say you only need 30 mins to schedule? I can't get bathe, get ready and fixed up in 30 mins.
And then you say screening required. Of course; but in 30 mins, while you're trying to screen? Soooo, is "someone" rushing you? I hope not. If they are, get rid of them.

Many of your pics look professional. Most guys want at least a few candid selfies mixed in, so they'll know what they're getting when they walk in the door. Just real, non photo shopped, non filtered pics.

And those "reviews" from a less than stellar website. I wouldn't even put them up, those guys/girls could be anyone. That site and Erotic Monkey is well known for stealing profiles from good sites, just to up the provider numbers. Not many of us join on purpose. If I'm wrong, someone please let me know. But they stole mine and I have fake reviews from people I've never met. If you have to put them up, there's a proper place for reviews from other sites on your bio page.

Have you thought about joining EROS and SLIXA as well? Good sites. And P411 is the Gold Standard. They just opened up again for new memberships. I love it. And I've never tried it, but OH2 seems to get a lot of traffic too.

Just a little confusing. Participate more! Place ads as often as you can, and add comments to CoEd threads that interest you.
And maybe you can attract reliable, well known hobbyists to review you.

Good luck girl. You're gorgeous!
Real talk....

1.0 You say book on your website. It isn't working.

2.0 Your only review didn't pass the "quack" test with the guys

3.0 CBJ

4.0 Dallas is a tough market with hundreds of ladies working. It's highly competitive.

5.0 No idea what your rates are, but that may be a factor especially with CBJ

6.0 Most of us will tell you that it can take years to build a strong reputation and establish regular clients. You have barely been here a month.

7.0 Try to participate more with conversations in Coed and other forums.

8.0 There are programs that guys use to see if the pics you post belong to you or someone else. (not saying that is necessarily an issue).

Those are the red flags that I can see that may be causing you issues. Sometimes it's better to ask advice in the ladies only areas. Originally Posted by alaine
Alaine has made some great points.

"Why such a hard time here??????"

Let me try to answer that in a neat methodical fashion the way Alaine did:

1. You're a very new ECCIE provider. You haven't established yourself yet and until you prove yourself by having detailed positive reviews written about you by several different members in good standing, people will look at you with suspicion and uncertainty. They won't give you the same respect that they would give to an established ECCIE lady. That's just the way it works. You just joined ECCIE last month. Give it time and most importantly, meet ECCIE guys and have them write nice long useful & truthful reviews about you.

2. You only have one review so far and it's an AWFUL review. Several important sections are blank such as the Activities section and the Rest of the Story section. I have no idea how the session went or if I should meet you or not based on that nonsensical farce of a review. It would have been better for your reputation and your business if that guy hadn't written you a review at all. Seriously.

ECCIE is all about reviews. Most of us ECCIE guys will see a lady mainly because of her past reviews. I receive private messages every week about the reviews I've written in the past from other guys. They ask me questions about my reviews and in the process figure out if the lady I reviewed is a good fit for them or not. This is despite the fact that I'm known for writing super long detailed reviews! I also read other guys reviews to decide if I should meet a lady or not and many times message them as well.

The one ECCIE review attached to your name tells us nothing and makes us even more suspicious of you. As for your reviews from those other sites, anyone could have posted that there so most of us won't take those seriously.

3. You advertise a link to your personal website in your Bio page and in the signature line underneath every one of your posts. Yet when I clicked it, it didn't go through. Just like Alaine mentioned already. This makes you look unprofessional, Aliyah.

4. Again as Alaine already mentioned, CBJ is a factor that works against you. Most ECCIE ladies offer BBBJ and ECCIE guys have become so used to BBBJ that they won't even meet a lady who only does CBJ.

CBJ has become a deal killer for a lot of ECCIE dudes. Almost all the successful ECCIE ladies offer BBBJ. Something to keep in mind. If you're charging the same rates for your time as another lady who offers BBBJ, why should a guy see you and not her?

5. I understand that you're frustrated but your opening post in this thread comes across as arrogant and unnecessarily defensive, like when you wrote

"like wtf this has been the only group of guys that have given me issues everywhere else they love me!!!! I don't want to give up on eccie but I do just fine without it so I don't see a reason to stay if it continues this way."

Instead of trying to understand why you're not doing well on ECCIE, you immediately went on the defensive and painted the ECCIE guys as the bad guys. It's all their fault. That's not the right attitude to have, especially if you want to improve yourself. Also you're threatening to leave ECCIE as if that will scare the ECCIE guys and make them beg you to stay.

Let's be real now. Most ECCIE guys in DFW are spoiled rotten because of the hundreds if not thousands of choices available to them. You coming in here with your one useless review and your non-functional website link and CBJ service and threatening to leave isn't going to have any effect on the men here. Just keeping it real. If you used this same angry defensive tone when replying to private messages sent to you by prospective clients...well then I can understand why you're not doing so well here.

Anyway, my goal is not to attack you or put you down. I'm just answering your question in a brutally honest fashion so you can use my answer to improve your situation. You have the opportunity of a lifetime to tackle these issues and become a very busy & respected ECCIE and P411 provider. The ball is in your court, Aliyah. I wish you the best. You're an attractive woman so you have that going for you already.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
I read this yesterday when she first post it and I immediately click on her website hyperlink and it didn't work. I wanted to say something but didn't want to come across as critical so I said nothing. But it's true that as soon as her website hyperlink didn't work for me, I lost complete interest. Why did I click on her website hyperlink? I wanted to get more information about her services and donation. To me that's why a website (any website) is there for: to give me more information; but there is nothing there. Note: I just read her review and it doesn't tell me anything. That's another thing that make me lose interest.
9.) Change your tagline to something more refreshing and positive. Being more expensive doesn't necessarily make you a better provider. I'm thinking that attitude would really be a turn-off.

10.) This link under your name
doesn't help, because a guy would have to join that site and review before they can see the review you are trying to direct them to. Just looking at the pics you have posted there, honestly, they look like a few different people.

ONLY you can fix this....
LindseyLacey's Avatar has been down since yesterday...

the link will say "under maintenance...come back soon"

they have done maintenance before...

then come back 24 hours later...

I use
I also use
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 06-15-2019, 06:00 AM
Hopefully you're really looking for some constructive feedback which there has been plenty of so far.
I only speak for myself but once I see CBJ I have no interest at all no matter what else. DEAL BREAKER.
I'm sure there is a market for that but that's such a total turn off for me.

From the pics I've seen, I think you're really attractive. It's just a big no for me with CBJ and it's hard for me to take a chance on somebody with no reviews.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
That "Review" is hurting you badly.
mrredcat43's Avatar
On your website, you state that you want to see IDs. That alone, eliminates 98% of the people that want to see you. If you see my ID, can I see yours? Yeah, didn't think so
You’re a beautiful woman but I have to agree with all post above. I hobby a good amount and don’t always participate on the boards but it helps when I want to see an established provider and vice versa, so try to post more. Also your ad is no bueno, very backpage and when I see that it’s like nope for me, something just doesn’t seem right. And about the ID, there is no way I’m ever gonna give that to any provider that I have not seen MANY times. I will give all my hobby info and user ids and reviews and references but never any RW info and I don’t want it from the provider either. I hope you find some footing here, it’s a great community.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Love your pictures. I can handle a CBJ with the right lady. Prefer BBBJ, but it is what it is.

Unfortunately you were hurt by a poorly written review from a new member. Perhaps you should think of a "review special."
GuddKitty2589's Avatar
You definitely have to give it time sis🙃 it took me a long time to get just 1 review. Keep doing what you do they will come around, try running a “sensible” review incentive😉 or a raffle for a free half hour to cause some static.