asian bbfs

what is up with these asians offering bbfs lately.... is business drying up and they have to resort to this...I always considered the asians the safest route and only way I partake in the hobby... I prefer everything covered for obvious reasons.. but im starting to rethink these asians...lets face it somebody who fucks a hooker bareback basically doesn't give two shits about their hygiene or already has something and doesn't care...
I believe they i read that, although they advertise bbfs, when you get there they say only cfs
Thats not what happened to Goodtongue58
I keep seeing the Towers referenced, not always positive. Anyone able to PM which location that is referring too?
Everett road extension
STG seem to be inundated with Asian adds where are any of the other girls?
Searching for MILFs
Goodtongue58's experience was down in Middletown...
whitetail123's Avatar
I was told that the parlor girls go back to be tested and receive injections every three months.
Injections of what? PrEP?
whitetail123's Avatar
Not sure I’m assuming Penicillin or some type of preventative antibiotic, my first Asian provider years ago did this every 3 months and said it was Penicillin
whitetail123's Avatar
What is prep
Prep h
It’s a once a day pill that high risk individuals can take that drastically reduces the chances of getting HIV. An injectable form of PrEP is also newly available.
Just fact that we talking about this subject should be enough to dissuade people. Sounds like playing Russian roulette but with bullets in 5 of the chambers.