I have been politically aware since the late 1960s. I started young. I remember the Watergate and Nixon years. I watched the Watergate hearings all summer (and it was a hot summer without A/C) and I can see many differences. Nixon was accused of using the IRS to audit his enemies. This may have been but I remember the evidence presented was inclusive and muddled. There was not vast conspiracy that was blamed on low level bureaucrats. It was infrequent and targeted on troublesome individuals. What could not be proven was that anyone was clearly damaged by the IRS attention. The GOP did not come out in mass denying, countercharging, and then trying to change the narrative. Nixon did not have many friends.
Today on the Sunday news shows and during the last 72 hours I have heard many active democrats deny that the IRS did what they have already admitted to. Then I hear that it was purely accidental which is something else the IRS has said is not true. I was intentional and targeted on anti-Obama and Jewish groups. Finally I heard some pundits of the left say that this was a tempest in a teapot. No one went to prison, no one was fined, and no one was hurt. I also heard inactive democrats like Juan Williams, Dennis Kucinich, and Bob Beckel say that this was an atrocity and must be investigated fully. They recognize that this was not an assault on the GOP but an assault of free speech itself.
We know that the left has always been less than cordial about the 2nd amendment but they have always claimed the 1st amendment as their own. Just to be true to themselves the left must demand a thorough investigation by an independent group. Serious federal crimes have been committed by someone in the IRS and recall that this was a charge against Nixon though it did not rise to impeachment. Nixon's blocking of the investigation did rise to the level of impeachment. So you can be informed here is a link to the charges against Nixon.