Biden’s Executive Order Moves the U.S. One Step Closer to Rule by Decree

  • oeb11
  • 07-15-2021, 06:51 AM

President Biden’s sweeping executive order on competition is a strange beast. It lurches from lofty claims about encouraging competition to niggling complaints about undisclosed airline checked-bag fees. The order has the force of law but also tries to direct agencies that are supposedly independent of presidential control. Most important, it’s a further step toward presidential usurpation of legislative and judicial power.

Yes, technically everything in the order is already authorized in one way or another by current law. However, the president is also constrained on how he directs officials by “rules about rules” such as the Administrative Procedure Act (APA.) The Trump administration, to its credit, tried to strengthen rules about rules by issuing what my colleague Wayne Crews calls “final rules on guidance,” or FROGs, that restricted the use of guidance documents to get around the APA. One of Biden’s early executive orders stomped on these FROGs to make it easier for his officials to issue de facto rules without notice and comment, as required by the APA. The president is prejudging the results of the rulemaking process. That may be the least of the problems with this order.
Indeed, in the case of many actions demanded by President Biden in this order, the rules proposed have already been through a process of notice and comment in either or both the Obama and Trump administrations but were not finalized because objections raised by affected parties were recognized as substantive enough to stop the rule from being issued. The president’s rule on airline-fee disclosures is a case in point. The Obama Department of Transportation admitted that the rule failed the all-important cost-benefit test, with costs outweighing benefits, but tried to claim that unquantifiable benefits such as “goodwill to ticket counter clerks” were enough to tip the balance. Good sense prevailed, however.

Yet those attempts at rulemaking did not have the force of a presidential executive order behind them. In some cases, the president is pushing officials essentially to rewrite the law. A good example is the requirement to write rules that will force railroad companies to offer below-market rates to shippers. Known as “reciprocal switching,” the president’s proposal will empower the Surface Transportation Board to compel railroads to hand over traffic to competitors, driving rates for shippers down at the cost of the railroads. This completely upends the purpose of 1980’s Staggers Act, a deregulatory measure passed under Jimmy Carter thanks in no small part to the efforts of Senator Ted Kennedy, who realized that the similar micromanagement of shipping rates by bureaucrats in place then was killing America’s freight railroads. Reimposing those rules will reduce investment in freight rail infrastructure and in the end increase delivery times and costs for end consumers. This is why successive administrations have refrained from making this mistake. Yet the president is asking officials to do it.
More in Biden Administration

The president also “urges” officials nominally not under his control to take certain actions. The Federal Trade Commission, Federal Communications Commission, Surface Transportation Board, and others are supposedly independent agencies, which exercise the functions delegated to them by Congress independent of presidential control. Indeed, the case that validated the existence of these agencies, Humphreys’ Executor (1935), did so on the basis that the commissions exercised quasi-judicial and quasi-legislative functions. Yet here we have the president treating them as if they were arms of the White House, acting under his authority.

The heads of the various independent agencies would be at liberty to refuse to act as the president wishes, which is why the order carefully “urges” them rather than directs them. Yet the chairs of the agencies have been appointed by this president and have so far shown no signs of breaking from his administration’s policy. Indeed, the chairman of the FTC was appointed to the post after being approved by the Senate as a simple commissioner, in breach of long-standing protocol. The acting chairwoman of the FCC has already welcomed the president’s order.

Moreover, as Dan Bosch of the American Action Forum points out, while previous presidents urged independent agencies to take a look at particular topics, this executive order demands specific policy outcomes. The FCC, for instance, is asked not examine net-neutrality issues but specifically to restore the Obama-era rules on the issue, regardless of what experience has shown (that none of the threats foreseen by the Obama-era rules manifested once they were rescinded). This may well call into question the legality of any decisions to go along with the president’s wishes.
This executive order appears to have been drafted in a way that treats the independence of these agencies as something that is purely nominal. It therefore brings quasi-judicial and quasi-legislative powers under the de facto if not de jure oversight of the president. This cannot be what either the Congress or the Supreme Court intended.

America has separation of powers for a very good reason, and part of that is to avoid monarchical-style rule by decree. With this overreaching executive order, America has moved one step closer to that unfortunate state.

Fascist DPST's are doing everything they can get away with to solidify One party communist dictatorial tyranny.

They are setting up america for a revolt against a DPST facist govenemnt - which will fraudulently institute their Rule with Voter fraud in elections 2022 - They got away with it in 2020 - and are emboldened to Institute tyranny i perpetuity in 2022.

The radical Communist fiden tyranny are setting up America for revolt!
LexusLover's Avatar
Well, look at this way perhaps. The Neanderthal In Office is paving the way for the next administration to follow suit in uncorking his mindless wandering. You mentioned Trump's artfulness. The value of OE's is that an OE can cancel it.
  • oeb11
  • 07-15-2021, 07:01 AM
LL - thank You - I pray we have free elections untainted by fascist DPST fraud in 2022 and 2024.

It is our opportunityas Citizens to 'Right" the ship of state and reject the imposition of Communist tyranny. .
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Hopefully you guys understand that even the small local businessman/woman is being slammed hard by these things. I've said it before and I'm gonna repeat it again, smart business folks are telling their employees how this crap may put them out of business. Thus, I think the Zombiden gang (with the still hanging around Odumbo leftovers), will end up with a 2 year lame fuck presidency when the 22 elections occur.
Losing decent jobs cause of the expense of over regulation is a significant voter motive
ICU 812's Avatar
Something like 43 pages of DO IT MY WAY.

Frankly, I think 'they" lumped a lot of things into one document so that President Biden only had to sign the one time. this eliminated the confusion he exhibited on other signing events.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Biden's tombstone should read "What am I signing here"?
bambino's Avatar
Biden's tombstone should read "What am I signing here"? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
He doesn’t even ask anymore.
rexdutchman's Avatar
You mean like Haiti or Cuba or Venezuela SMH
Again, I didn't read most of your poorly edited cut'n paste.

So this may not be on topic.

It seems that FBI and Capitol Police are traveling states away and arresting people for....TRESPASSING! Or PARADING! Not assassination or kidnapping or actual severe crimes.

Its time these Red State Governors tell the Feds if they want Capital protestors, they are to go through an extradition process that will be dutifully handled. Not show up at some families' door and haul them all away just because they stepped for on the capitol lawn.

These are just the equivalent of nuisance lawsuits to try to insure more protestors don't try to exercise their Constitution rights and like their freedom of assembly.
Anyone that is against right to repair is a fool.
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2021, 08:59 AM
Deluded , benighted, fascist DPST's in denial fit the description of your post. . 'r'
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Anyone that is against right to repair is a fool. Originally Posted by royamcr
Some of it is good, other parts are stupid, like not allowing a manufacturer to void warranties if a repair is done by an unauthorized shop or with knock-off parts.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
We need to start a pool bet on how many lawsuits are filed.
Numourous "orders" relate to non-interpretive issues that are not within the executive branches authority. Thus, Zombiden attempting to do legislative functions by decree is an amusing topic.

The repairs clause will end up on court quickly.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Lawsuits are going crazy ,, E.Os Covid ,trans-a -phobic ism on and on DPST just trying to destroy the court system
Some of it is good, other parts are stupid, like not allowing a manufacturer to void warranties if a repair is done by an unauthorized shop or with knock-off parts. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
A lot of it is just getting authentic parts from the manufacturer in the first place. Apple is as bad as it gets on this. Apples stance on fixing thing is charge $1000+ for a fix, but a good shop can fix it for $150. Apple would rather someone just throw away their $3000 laptop by making it so expensive to fix that is the only option for the consumer. There are a couple chips soldered onto the board that you can't get from Apple at all, you have to reclaim from an old machine. Most repairs though are water damaged capacitors and resistors a repair shop can get off the shelf.

Tesla is a recent example. A piece of road debris broke off a coolant port on the battery. Tesla said $16000 to fix, has to have a whole new battery. An independent shop fixed the "plumbing" for like $700. It is just a low pressure coolant line.

This was a public story with the customer's name, now he is afraid of Tesla locking him out of the charging stations due to an "unauthorized repair". Heck if Tesla wanted to they could steal his car...just make it drive away remotely.