I know I'm new here, but...

yardbird74's Avatar
I don't really like the word "hobbyist." Sure, it's a nice euphemism for "john" or whatever else - but it just doesn't set right with me. Maybe it's just because I hear the word "hobbyist" and I think of someone with a bunch of model airplanes, or stamps, or something like that.

Can we have a name change for our activity?

Female Enthusiast?
Blow Job Aficionado? (tip o' the hat to George Carlin with that one)
Vaginal Devotees?

Am I alone here?
gearslut's Avatar
A rose by any other name..... If it takes up your time and money and you do it anyways then it's a hobby. Call it whatever you want. We'll know what you mean.
Wakeup's Avatar
We don't care if you like it or not...
johnny_boiii's Avatar
We had bombs go off in boston, had an explosion in waco and so much other sick shit happening in the world and the word "hobbyist" bothers you??
Super Head 713's Avatar
How about "fucktard"
Super Head 713's Avatar
When I first got into the business I didn't like to be called a "hooktard" , but as time went by I realizedd it all was a figure of speech and wasn't any hard feelings of it
yardbird74's Avatar
Ooookay - never mind - I was just trying to be a little lighthearted here. I apologize for pissing everybody off.
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 04-21-2013, 10:17 AM
How about "fucktard" Originally Posted by Super Head 713
Or maybe Retard, fits the poster..
Super Head 713's Avatar

Or maybe Retard, fits the poster.. Originally Posted by RGB93
Wakeup's Avatar
Ooookay - never mind - I was just trying to be a little lighthearted here. I apologize for pissing everybody off. Originally Posted by yardbird74
Everyone takes their lumps here...especially newbs who try to come in here acting like they want to change shit...sit back, watch, learn, and don't post until you have.../advice
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 04-21-2013, 11:23 AM
Everyone takes their lumps here...especially newbs who try to come in here acting like they want to change shit...sit back, watch, learn, and don't post until you have.../advice Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Well said.
April_Showers's Avatar
Ouch! lol

I think it's impossible to avoid the term/label completely but if you nicely told the provider you were talking to that you prefer to be referred to by a different term then she'd have no problem oblinging. I know some guys don't like to be called "baby" "honey" etc because it makes them feel generic and it's not as personal while others view it as a term of endearment. lol Providers get the same thing...there are plenty of names/"labels" we are referred to and called...you just can't take it personal or let it get to you.

Welcome to the site and I hope your experience with this one thread doesn't scare you off lol
I second the OP. I think it's a lame name. You can flame on me too if you want. I don't really give 2 sh!ts. I don't really have another suggestion though...
I think it was a nice try, dear. I happen to like the term hobby because it IS one to me, but to each his own. Perhaps "adventurer" would work? It has a nice, Indiana Jones connotation. I am shaped relatively Lara Croft-y, so that would be aces in my book.
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 04-21-2013, 12:07 PM
I see the two Newbie's hatched from the same egg last month. They aren't fertilizing eggs like they use to.