Red Meat For My Constitutional Conservative Buddies....

Including COG - The speaker, Trevor Loudon is a well known Libertarian author in New Zealand (

Yeah, you and the other douchebags sharing the "red meat".....why should this day be any different?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok. I'd be willing to give it a try.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What, at this point, do we have to lose?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your asylum in the United States, double agent.

Including COG - The speaker, Trevor Loudon is a well known Libertarian author in New Zealand (

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You win the "best video award" of all time in eccie political. I would like to see Trevor Loudon for the White-house Press Secretary!
Damn; a brilliant choice to be Press Secretary.

You win the "best video award" of all time in eccie political. I would like to see Trevor Loudon for the White-house Press Secretary! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Red meat for my conservative buddies...Thought he had found a new gay bar.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If Whirlyturd posts a thread and the headline isn't ALL CAPS, is it still a misrepresentation of the story he posts?
Damn, that was invigorating!!!! Brilliant choices for every position, and Loudon as Press Secretary would be hilarious to watch turn those little MSM dweebs in knots!!??!!

Alas, though, I'm not sure even our boy Cruz has that much political will. Would that it could be so...