bbcode testing

Brandofan's Avatar
ECCIE supports only a subset of bbcode tags, so I am starting this thread so we have a place to test out our bbcode before hitting post.

My first attempt: bullets!
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Yellow

edit: yay! It worked! Here is how:

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-01-2019, 11:07 PM
You can also do numbered lists.
  1. Red
  2. Blue
  3. Yellow

Here is how...

Or lettered lists.
  1. Red
  2. Blue
  3. Yellow

Here is how...

Nothing to it.
Brandofan's Avatar
Nice, thanks Mokoa!
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
FYI, here's a list of vBulletin bbcodes you can use to figure out which ones are allowed on eccie.
Brandofan's Avatar
So, I wonder if I can do sub-bellets, let's check!

Edit: yes you can! But it requires nested lists. If anyone knows an easier way that would be cool!

[*]Dark Red
[*]Dark Blue
[*]HTML Code: [URL=""]#0000aa[/URL]
  • Red
    • Dark Red
  • Blue
  • Yellow
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
I'm guessing you have seen this site? Lots of info and resources there.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm guessing you have seen this site? Lots of info and resources there. Originally Posted by RocketSurgeon
For those that work with social boards, the above link should be in their favorites.
Any social web site will have an index available, may have to look it up though.
This sites vbulletin list is also presented above.