Romney Family Investment Group Partnered With Alleged Perpetrators Of $8 Billion Ponzi Scheme

BigLouie's Avatar

Mitt Romney, his son Tagg, and Romney’s chief fundraiser, Spencer Zwick, have extensive financial and political ties to three men who allegedly participated in an $8.5 billion Ponzi scheme. A few months after the Ponzi scheme collapsed, a firm financed by Mitt Romney and run by his son and chief fundraiser partnered with the three men and created a new “wealth management business” as a subsidiary.

Follow the link to read about it in detail
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm sure you're equally outraged by Jon Corzine's connection to the Obama campaign.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Barack Obama has extensive and financial ties to former Governor Blagovich, fomer Governor Corzine, accused Chinese bribe master Jeffrey Katzenberg, anti-semitic, anti-American Reverend Wright, Hezbellah supporter Rashid Kalidi, convicted embezzler Tony Rezko, former terrotists William Ayers and Bernadette Dorne, and accessory to murder Eric Holder. Care to comment?

According to the story Romney, his son, and some others knew someone who pulled a con. Romney invested $10 million of his own money into the scheme. He was a lucky early person who got a measley 10% return on his investment at the most or a 1% return depending on who you believe. Other than that, the article offers no evidence that Romney or his son was involved anything illegal. Don't you have anything better to do with your time Louis?

By the way, the author Lee Fang has a habit of formulating less than accurate stories for the Center for Progress an extreme left wing think tank.
Explains why he doesnt want to release his tax returns..lmao
I guess this is sort of like that "seven degrees of separation" thing, where you can relate anybody on the planet to Kevin Bacon.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep, that about sums it up.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
This is what happens when you go to Brazil and drink the water.
dearhunter's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar

Mitt Romney, his son Tagg, and Romney’s chief fundraiser, Spencer Zwick, have extensive financial and political ties to three men who allegedly participated in an $8.5 billion Ponzi scheme. A few months after the Ponzi scheme collapsed, a firm financed by Mitt Romney and run by his son and chief fundraiser partnered with the three men and created a new “wealth management business” as a subsidiary.

Follow the link to read about it in detail Originally Posted by BigLouie
. . . and there are those schemes concocted by George Soros to break the Bank of England, and his negative impact on the ASEAN and that illegal foray into 'insider trading' that netted him a 2005/2006 conviction in France. What degree of separation is he from Odumbo -- one!?!
Being rich isn't a crime. If Romney were dirty, we'd know it by now. You don't think the Obama campaign doesn't have teams of people tearing Romney's history apart? There's no there there. Romney's rich; so what.

Obama calling for "candidates" to be as transparent as possible" and for Romney to release his tax returns is laughable since ALL his [Obama's] records are sealed. Romney needs to get in the trenches with Obama and fast if he wants to win.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-30-2012, 02:25 PM
I guess this is sort of like that "seven degrees of separation" thing, where you can relate anybody on the planet to Kevin Bacon. Originally Posted by Jackie S
except ones son is a very close degree!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I agree, Olivia. Obama should be so transparent.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-30-2012, 06:37 PM
I agree, Olivia. Obama should be so transparent. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
His Republican opponents were calling for mitt to release his tax return. That is just politics
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama calling for "candidates" to be as transparent as possible" and for Romney to release his tax returns is laughable since ALL his [Obama's] records are sealed. Romney needs to get in the trenches with Obama and fast if he wants to win. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Or make Odumbo publish each of the following documents for each year of tax returns Romney publishes (but make sure Odumbo goes first):

  • Official U.S. passport records
  • Occidental College application, records & transcripts
  • Columbia College application, records & transcripts
  • Harvard College application, records & transcripts
His Republican opponents were calling for mitt to release his tax return. That is just politics Originally Posted by WTF
A truly dogmatic slogan if I ever heard one. Romney’s Republican nomination opponents weren’t “transparent” presidential candidates and opaque presidents.

Or make Odumbo publish each of the following documents for each year of tax returns Romney publishes (but make sure Odumbo goes first):
  • Official U.S. passport records
  • Occidental College application, records & transcripts
  • Columbia College application, records & transcripts
  • Harvard College application, records & transcripts
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Amen to the man with the overly sexy avatar. How often do I get to say that ???