? for the experienced hobbyist

I guess this one is geared mostly towards the guys and please forgive me if this question has come up before. However, I was wondering if it is a turn off, or even noticeable to the experienced hobbyist when he realizes that he is not the first one one to get into a provider's nookie that day (or even within the past couple of hours?). I mean can you guys tell based on how it feels and are there any other tell tale signs? And if you can, is that a turn off for you, making you NOT wanna see the girl again? OR just see her again but make sure that you are first in line? I understand we are all in the business of variety but, gents, I would like to know if this something that bothers you or something you have experienced before? Thoughts? Tales? All feedback is welcome.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
It is what it is.

Just keep yourself freshly showered and clean all over.

Most of us know providers usually seem multiple clients a day.

However leave yourself a couple of hours, as it's not wise seeing someone walking out of your room as they're fixing to knock on the door for their session.
Oralist's Avatar
I try to see only low volume providers on days that are typically not high demand days, so it usually is not an issue for me. An early appointment (lunch time) is also something I do a lot.

I have enjoyed a couple of my ATFs where we shower together afterwards, she dons civilian clothes and we head out at the same time.

Make you blow and out the do' providers are just not my type.
I ALWAYS see my ATF first thing in the morning
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Tell-tale signs? Certainly. Condom wrappers, wet towels/washcloths, bed quickly made-up still lumpy underneath. Haha!

Client leaving as you're walking up to the door...and the uppity mo-fo won't even won't even give a bruh a hi-five....

I've found that it's best to not even thinck about it. As long as she's into me without any outside distractions during our time together, and as long as she's fresh and clean, then it's cool. It is what it is...



spice-is-nice's Avatar
I, too, seek ladies who are low volume, and I can't remember the last time I met someone whose hygiene was anything less than impeccable, which is critical since DATY is a must for me. So, it wasn't obvious to me if they had been with anyone else the day that I saw them.

Many of us like the illusion of a romantic rendezvous, which can be preserved if:
  • You are freshly showered and nicely attired
  • The bed isn't already rumpled, and certainly no condoms, or condom wrappers, or other detritus in sight.
  • You don't make reference to past or future appointments
  • You allow enough spacing between clients to enable you to physically and mentally prepare for the next, and so that there are no "hallway encounters"
  • Turn your phone OFF before your client arrives, and put it away until he leaves.
  • Greet us with a nice smile and a warm hug and treat us like a lover, not a client.
tbone77494's Avatar
Yes - I like to go first. If I am not pretty sure of that I don't do any kissing or daty.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Yes it is a turnoff but like stated previously make sure there is a 2-3 window between each and cleanup.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
It's a fantasy. If you're good then the last thing I'll be thinking about is who or how many you've seen before or after me
Easy enough to answer:
1) keep the place neat, no "evidence" of a previous session...
2) ladies preach about hygiene to us guys, same goes for you. Shower up and be fresh all over.
3) if you are tired / worn out from the last session since you gave it a 110%, take a break.. rest... a lame session could mean a lame review... allow some rest time.
4) Do turn off your phone (or silence it and put it in a place where it will not be noticed during the session) and be courteous enough to not check it the minute he pulls out... if he goes to the shower for a few minutes, spot check it.. and as he leaves, give him a hug, then once the door is closed attack the phone.

remember ladies, like ALL of you say "WE pay for your TIME" if you are on my dime, I get to ask you to leave the phone off or put away.. if you spend 5 minutes on the phone, then I want 5 more minutes, as that is NOT what I paid you for.

(I know I am about to open up a can of worms here but it is the truth)

We pay for the hour, at least let us get 55-60 minutes.. cutting us short is silly.
If we are done in say 35, heck offer the shower for a few minutes.. let us freshen up there then leave..
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You speak the truth.
Oralist's Avatar
Tell tale signs you are not her first of the day.

1. Smells like burned rubber when you enter the room. Wrappers and wet towels everywhere.
2. Case of condoms and a bucket of lube on the night stand.
3. Douche pail in the corner (famous BoysTown trick).
4. Phone rings and she answers it in the middle of the session. Sometimes more than once. The e-mail and text message rings are nearly non stop.
5. Files her nails while screaming "Oh baby, Oh baby!"
I don't give a fuck. I'll sometimes hobby two or three times a day and throw in some civie action too. I may be a creepy pervert, but I'm no hypocrite. As long as your pussy doesn't smell like its just been crushed by some other dude's cock, I'll hit it. And even if it does, that just means I might not go down on you... Might.
Doesn't bother me unless I have to wear a used condom too.
cabletex7's Avatar
As long as I don't go in single and come out double-hatted.