Question for Providers

If I see ads for a provider, who used to work for me about 10 years ago, is it creepy for me to schedule an appointment?
SadreaStarr's Avatar
Of course not I’m sure she would love to see again depending on your last encounter
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
May be ! I had a guy tell me he saw me a few years ago at a Drag Race as he was leaving and it kinda made it feel creepy ..
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-24-2021, 08:40 PM
Find someone 10 years younger, you don't want go backwards in the hobby
Be up front about who you are when you message her. Genuinely give her an out, let her know that if she’s not comfortable seeing you that you’d understand. Expect nothing. If she declines be cool with it and move on.

It’s only creepy if you make it creepy. Like not being honest when you make the appointment and then trying to act surprised when you meet her.

I have often thought about that scenario though, seeing someone’s add and recognizing them from somewhere. So far it hasn’t happened. I think for most women I’ve known I would just pass on and I would never let on that I knew.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Haha... a favorite story of mine:

For a time, I worked at one of the lovely dive strip clubs as a bartender. Had a regular guy who came in all the time-- was friendly, we chatted often (this club is never that busy). Quit the club and went back into the hobby about 6 months later.

About 2 years pass.. and a gent came to see me. At the door, we both had the spark of recognition---- but could not remember HOW we knew each other. As we were laying there bullshitting after our fun-- I said something and he looked at me.. and yelled MUCH louder than he needed to... the name of the club.

Situations like that-- are hilarious.

But the flip side is I'm not sure if I'd feel the same if it was a situation where we'd both know each other by our real names. Had another guy query me on P411 for an appointment-- but at the time he had his real name in his email. I knew him-- and he would have known me on sight had I taken the appointment. So I declined-- and suggested that he find a less identifying email address to use in the hobby in order to protect himself (I literally know his entire family and would hate for any bad consequences for the guy-- he's a nice guy).
Thank you to everyone for the feedback. BLM69 you aren't the kind of provider I was looking to get feedback from, but I appreciate your efforts.
I’ve worked for the same company as two providers but never someone that worked for. As others have stated if you want to try be honest and give her an out.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-30-2021, 10:55 AM
Thank you to everyone for the feedback. BLM69 you aren't the kind of provider I was looking to get feedback from, but I appreciate your efforts. Originally Posted by Inigo5
You want strictly providers to respond, PM them directly and don't post on public forums. This isn't your private playground, you're just wasting their time anyway...
Don't get all butthurt. I appreciate your efforts, you just aren't the kind of provider I am looking to get feedback from. Thanks though, the effort is noteworthy.
pittlicker's Avatar
Hey BLM ! You providing now? LOL
Mr.Anderson's Avatar