Before everything, let me thank g^d

Htowner's Avatar
I had a conversation with a friend of mine in Dallas about how pro athletes always thank the one above for their victories. I wasn't aware that he/she takes sides in sports.
Then he decided to fuck with me sending me this link in his email since I live in Houston.
So much for religious discussions over trans gender options:
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 07-09-2010, 06:42 AM
Thank God??? Man, that one takes the cake. I don't think that would sit well with him.

btw, Htowner, why don't you toftt and let us know how he/she was?
dearhunter's Avatar
Get you ass in there, ambassador..........I mean that literally.........get your ass in there.
Htowner's Avatar
Thank God??? Man, that one takes the cake. I don't think that would sit well with him.
Originally Posted by bbkid
That was the funny irony I noticed too. Not something you discuss which your church group exactly.
I pass though, thank you. My short list of natural born women is long enough already.
bi11yclinton's Avatar

Why craft such an elaborate story about your "friend in Dallas" just so we dont suspect you troll the TS boards? C'mon pal! We dont judge here
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar

Why craft such an elaborate story about your "friend in Dallas" just so we dont suspect you troll the TS boards? C'mon pal! We dont judge here Originally Posted by bi11yclinton
We don't? .... dang did I miss a meeting..
notanewbie's Avatar
htowner does have an affinity for greek...hmmm.

over/under on the first reviewer denying any knowledge of the missing dick?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
htowner does have an affinity for greek...hmmm.

over/under on the first reviewer denying any knowledge of the missing dick? Originally Posted by notanewbie

To each ... his own... oh, wait ... that didn't sound right...