Proof Putin is no longer communist/liberal

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Putin apparently took the Crimea to get trillions in oil. Since he wants to keep drilling for oil in the ocean, he must be a right wing capitalist, because left wing/liberal/commies don't like it when people drill for oil!!! He has left his old communist/liberal leanings behind.
lustylad's Avatar
Who is going to help Putin & Co. exploit the oil & gas reserves if they lie in disputed waters? I doubt Lukoil can do it without help from the Western oil majors, who are unlikely to sign joint ventures when no one recognizes Russia's annexation of the Crimea.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-18-2014, 09:17 PM
Despots and dictators really don't ascribe to any ideology other than their own ego. They will use whatever ideological trappings are convenient.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Putin apparently took the Crimea to get trillions in oil. Since he wants to keep drilling for oil in the ocean, he must be a right wing capitalist, because left wing/liberal/commies don't like it when people drill for oil!!! He has left his old communist/liberal leanings behind. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
In other words a fascist with money.

Left wing/liberals/commies don't like drilling for oil?

That's a stupid thing to say.

How funny and ironic you stand up for the wing nuts. Even though you're a JINO you still rank with the log cabin republicans in their eyes.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
In other words a fascist with money.

Left wing/liberals/commies don't like drilling for oil?

That's a stupid thing to say.

How funny and ironic you stand up for the wing nuts. Even though you're a JINO you still rank with the log cabin republicans in their eyes. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
So, why do they fight so hard against drilling in California?
I'm not saying we should give them free reign to pollute. By all means, regulate and fine them for spills. However, if we were drilling for all the oil America has available it would reduce the power of despots who have oil and gas to bully the world. So, I blame liberals for Putin's power. Bit of a stretch, I know, but it makes me happy to blame liberals for everything that goes wrong. Why, you ask? It is because many of them are rude and contemptuous of dissent. Plus, they don't get enough blame for the destruction they have caused.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Despots and dictators really don't ascribe to any ideology other than their own ego. They will use whatever ideological trappings are convenient. Originally Posted by Old-T
I have to admit you are right. I dislike him for his former political leanings, and I guess I should have said that he cannot fairly be called a commie/liberal anymore.
If anything, he is now a hybridized new creation that no one can control, so his ideology beyond just rapaciousness is perhaps meaningless. He wants, therefore he takes.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-19-2014, 08:52 AM
He wants, therefore he takes. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
In that fundamental point he is no different than Alexander, Attila, Lenin, Hitler, Isabel & Ferdinand, or any of many, many others.
Despots and dictators really don't ascribe to any ideology other than their own ego. They will use whatever ideological trappings are convenient. Originally Posted by Old-T

Kind of like you Politicians...RIGHT? Old-Thumper
In that fundamental point he is no different than Alexander, Attila, Lenin, Hitler, Isabel & Ferdinand, or any of many, many others. Originally Posted by Old-T
One of the many others.

another one of many.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-19-2014, 03:13 PM
Kind of like you Politicians...RIGHT? Old-Thumper Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
More IIFFy stupidity on display. I am not and never erased have been a politician you moron.
More IIFFy stupidity on display. I am not and never erased have been a politician you moron. Originally Posted by Old-T


e·rase [ih-reys]
verb (used with object), e·rased, e·ras·ing.
to rub or scrape out, as letters or characters written, engraved, etc.; efface.
to eliminate completely: She couldn't erase the tragic scene from her memory.
to obliterate (material recorded on magnetic tape or a magnetic disk): She erased the message.
to obliterate recorded material from (a magnetic tape or disk): He accidentally erased the tape.
Computers. to remove (data) from computer storage.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
So, why do they fight so hard against drilling in California? I'm not saying we should give them free reign to pollute. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
For a variety of reasons, but most of all NIMBY but based on a pretty poor track record that the oil industry has in California.

I have to admit you are right. I dislike him for his former political leanings, and I guess I should have said that he cannot fairly be called a commie/liberal anymore. If anything, he is now a hybridized new creation that no one can control, so his ideology beyond just rapaciousness is perhaps meaningless. He wants, therefore he takes. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Communists were never "liberal" or "progressive" but were merely dictators or oligarchies that used a ideological veneer of "Marxism" to plunder the aristocracy and middle classes as well as to differentiate their regimes from the fascists and monarchs. They were anti-captitalist, but the old saying of "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...." applies. No where in the definition of "monarchy" or "dictator" were crowns or ermine required and Mao jackets ruled out.

Anyone obtuse enough not to understand that either hasn't bothered to read history at all or just shouldn't be commenting on anything political. Did the original founders of these Communist regimes start out believing in Marxist principles? Yes, probably, but they were quickly assassinated by more dictatorial successors or just set aside those principles in favor of enhancing their own personal power and maintaining the stability of their regimes.

That is why conservatives look so silly and ignorant even when they get all spun up over the hated "Communism". These terrible "Communnists" were originally fighting for the people and against monarchy, monopoly capitalism and militarism. Not bad ideals, though they quickly went by the wayside (which is a testament to human nature, not the ideals). Were there quite a few liberal or progressive dupes in the early days? Yes, of course, but Communism was never anywhere close to the real utopian "communism" that the political theorists posited. This is just like there is nothing in the real world like the utopian "free market" or "libertarian" society that so many conservatives seem to want to see (except perhaps Sudan or Somalia which they generally won't respond about at all). One has to separate values and ideals to some extent from utopian theories so that the perfect is not the enemy of the merely good.
jewish liability....
putin is ex-k.g.b....not exactly a russian bastion of liberal you really think he cares about liberals in russia....
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-19-2014, 05:06 PM
Sorry about that I hate autocorrect on these "smart" phones.

"I am not and never have been". No idea why it tossed in the extraneous "erased" word.

More IIFFy stupidity on display. I am not and never erased have been a politician you moron. Originally Posted by Old-T

e·rase [ih-reys]
verb (used with object), e·rased, e·ras·ing.
to rub or scrape out, as letters or characters written, engraved, etc.; efface.
to eliminate completely: She couldn't erase the tragic scene from her memory.
to obliterate (material recorded on magnetic tape or a magnetic disk): She erased the message.
to obliterate recorded material from (a magnetic tape or disk): He accidentally erased the tape.
Computers. to remove (data) from computer storage. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Sorry about that I hate autocorrect on these "smart" phones.

"I am not and never have been". No idea why it tossed in the extraneous "erased" word. Originally Posted by Old-T

what ever you do ... do not type "thru"...