Diamonds the old bucket nekid!

There are certain fond memories but that has to be one. Diamonds on ost. I remember as a young puppy walking in there green while it's pitch dark and leaving to daybreak literally. First floor was the club, in the back was the gambling. Pick you a girl out, buy a condom for ten and fuck for 40 Max and I'm talking about some really nice black girls. Sit a Hennessy bottle on the table, strap him up, a spent hennesy bottle and watch her sit on it. Watch as she smokes cigarettes with her vagina muscles. Don't get me wrong you had to go up top to the back rooms and maybe crawl on nut on the floor or kick a used condom out the way or even bat a wayward roach but you got a ribeye looking girl for strip steak price. Nut go downstairs and scope out your next. Sigh, those were the days.....
  • pxmcc
  • 12-05-2017, 06:25 PM
man i missed out on the fun. btw, u ever see a honky up in there? tryna see if i woulda stuck out like a sore thumb..

btw, as a white guy in peepin' toms in arlington, tx, i got the rock star treatment. black strip clubs are the best thing since sliced bread, and if i got shot, figured at least i'd have a big ol smile on my face..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
shine...i could be wrong but I think most people are mad at you and you may have lost a little credibility for that previous thread you started...starting a teaser thread only to not write the review. I hope this one goes well for ya
by op's rules,....only 20% of the posted info is legit

oh ever name that bitch?

......or no?
  • pxmcc
  • 12-05-2017, 07:00 PM
ya but he got some street cred back trollin Wakeup..
^^^^ who is Wakeup?
  • pxmcc
  • 12-05-2017, 10:47 PM
^^you know, the pimp..
Sistine I am not here as a popularity contest. I started the last thread on that vso, but hey the chick actually hit me back and apologized and offered half off. We good baby, I don't want half of pussy just like I don't want half off old milk. Look. I'm not trying to make no enemies around here, Im not trying to make friends either. I can't get pussy on my own terms, I have zero game, so I put my money together and buy pussy. Simple. Like you cool as fuck, px in my book cool as fuck etc but I have no interest in meeting either one of you'll ever. I simply want to have sex simple. But hey I respect the way you spit Sistine. But honestly I'm not really concerned about some folks opinions. They should blame themselves for exalting a woman who can't buyfucking deodorant. Simple. I'm not trying to be eccies Eddie Murphy or the popular kid. Popular kids don't buy pussy. I own my lane and I'm not super paid. When I spend 250 on some pus it's a big deal! I just want to buy pussy because I can't talk women out of it. Can I please own my lane....
I have zero game, .... Originally Posted by shinepro
we knew that already
  • pxmcc
  • 12-06-2017, 01:39 AM
^^ how many guys you know on a hooker board got game? only time I got game is after a doubles session with Toni Lovex and Nina Renee. then, if i feel like it, ima hit on the hottest chick in the club. otherwise, i aint got no damn game..

well, if she's african (from africa) or indian (from india) and she's hot, ok maybe then i got some game. otherwise, like shinepro, i aint got no damn game, no way no how..

so carry on, Shinepro. aint nun of us here got any dam game. well maybe SC got game. i cant figga an igga out..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Im not trying to make friends either. I can't get pussy on my own terms, I have zero game, so I put my money together and buy pussy. Simple. Like you cool as fuck, px in my book cool as fuck etc but I have no interest in meeting either one of you'll ever. I simply want to have sex simple. But hey I respect the way you spit Sistine. But honestly I'm not really concerned about some folks opinions. They should blame themselves for exalting a woman who can't buyfucking deodorant. Simple. I'm not trying to be eccies Eddie Murphy or the popular kid. Popular kids don't buy pussy. I own my lane and I'm not super paid. When I spend 250 on some pus it's a big deal! I just want to buy pussy because I can't talk women out of it. Can I please own my lane.... Originally Posted by shinepro
lol ..hey I have no quarrel with ya...I won't respond to all of your comments other than to try and help you out based on some of your comments....speaking in RW terms it's not about having game unless you're playing games. Having game is a grade school term...and it's quite overrated...A lot girls are vain man...sure I can get em..they see nice cars, money, bling and they want in...but that shallowness gets old and tired tbh...the secret to success really is about being yourself...let me repeat just be your dam self...and if that's proven to not be good enough the make some adjustments / improvements.... and (in your case) learning to be a good conversationalist... and if its in you having charisma / being charismatic and maybe even charming...but those things have to come natural and they do for me.

Brah you don't have to be all those things but you do at least for starters need to be a good conversationalist...make good eye contact and clearly articulate your thoughts...part of being charming is being funny (at least for me it is) if you sound like a stuttering dumbass then nope you're going nowhere fast. How you approach each woman is different because they're all different but it's the blueprint for success that you need. Knowing what, when, and how to say things is key...also let's not forget about quality of woman...some women don't require much conversation others require quite a bit...just like some are ok with eating at Panera Bread while others prefer a more formal dining experience. Then you have my faves the simple Taco Hell chics.... jk

I'm not a player and will never consider myself as such..I'm a gentleman to all women who truly behave like women as it's part of my Love Language and I'm not concern as to how guys perceive me for sharing something like that... ...Unless she was just trynna make me feel good even one of my old hobby companions used to tell me: "Sistine" you are truly what women look for.. a wonderful man"...and sometimes when you have women telling you that it can go to your head it's human you have to re-center yourself...I'm not saying I'm no Tyson Beckford or Shemar Moore but I've quietly noticed that I do have the ability to pull hot girls all day (not every girl) but I hold my own...even white women offer their daughters to me...which is pretty odd... but for me at this point in my life I'm not as interested in sex at the moment as I used to between my trolling for lulz and making stock market money plays I'm on some other self awareness higher level consciousness type shit right now...

But if I can help a brother out then I will. ;-) these days I consider myself a motivational speaker. ;-)
damn.....what woman has shitstains login this morning
  • pxmcc
  • 12-06-2017, 08:30 AM
maybe he was tryin to help a brotha out. he's right btw, although he could say the same thing without comin' across as an arrogant prick..

did we ever establish if you'd call that to his face? lol. if i get to watch, i promise you won't get hurt.. i'm not sayin i can take him, just sayin i'll keep 'im busy while u safely egress the premises. well, at least that's the plan..

what was it mike tyson used to say about plans again? that dude had some wisdom in 'im, despite the funny voice. but talk about shit you don't wanna say to a brotha's face. "Mike, i hate to break it to ya, but you sound like a frickin whiny schoolgirl or a fuckin perve with that squeaky high-pitched voice of yours. what dafuq is wrong with u, dawg? you need like some T shots or some shit? we'll make a man outta yet, dawg"..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
maybe he was tryin to help a brotha out. he's right btw, although he could say the same thing without comin' across as an arrogant prick..

did we ever establish if you'd call that to his face? lol. if i get to watch, i promise you won't get hurt.. i'm not sayin i can take him, just sayin i'll keep 'im busy while u safely egress the premises. well, at least that's the plan..

what was it mike tyson used to say about plans again? that dude had some wisdom in 'im, despite the funny voice. but talk about shit you don't wanna say to a brotha's face. "Mike, i hate to break it to ya, but you sound like a frickin whiny schoolgirl or a fuckin perve with that squeaky high-pitched voice of yours. what dafuq is wrong with u, dawg? you need like some T shots or some shit? we'll make a man outta yet, dawg".. Originally Posted by pxmcc
you're a total get back to posting more pics of your odd looking and bloody face after getting your ass curb stomped by a Pimp
OP is a coward like some other dude in this thread who cries to daddy