An Austin troll has potential taken over a providers pm. I have received a threatening pm from her account but I don't know her so she must have let a troll use her pm. I am just saying be careful you never know who is pming you
Post it up faggot, show everyone what a retarded fucking idiot you are..
Why is that Rick?. Because you drag people in when your week and can't handle the heat. Everyone know your a troll and hate the mod that took your girl away. Be a man for once and handle your business. Quit using her pm to threaten people.
Post up the pm and show what a moronic douchebag you are.
She pmed you and told you to leave her alone.
Take a hint and fuck off you stupid loser.
DarthMaul's Avatar
WTH is this!!?
OK DarthMaul I give you credit. You have patience.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Why do you think she (or the "troll") would threaten you? Not asking for PM content.
winn dixie's Avatar
WTH is this!!? Originally Posted by DarthMaul
A hobbyist mata leon is making his usual ass of himself.. See Austin co/ed and alerts on this guy. He is trying to out RR and his RW GF. This is par for this guy. Mata makes false accusations and statements all the time. Mata leon is a dangerous stalker, and has hurt many providers !! Again see alerts!!
Michelleryan's Avatar

I messaged you like an adult privately because you involved me in your deceptive lies and I just wanted you to stop and asked you politely.

You are proving how disrespectful you are that you couldn't honor my request privately to stop mentioning me in your posts. I don't like being referred to as anyone's girl or a beaten woman which has never occurred in my life. I wouldn't let anyone say that about any ex boyfriend in a public forum especially when it's not true. It's not right and it's not funny.

What is funny is how relevant you think you are and that "everyone " in houston needs to be warned about me. Most of houston has no clue who am I; so why would they care about your accusations of a possible troll using my pm handle lol! Even I am aware of my place on this site lmao!! I am a happy ho; I post, I screen, I fuck! I usually keep my mouth closed on the board! That's how the clients and I prefer it!

You are relevant as a dangerous person for girls to see!

I spoke up for myself in a private message and you want to blame it on anyone you think is RR!

You need to get a clue I am not going to take crap from some delusional, Shrek looking troll as yourself!

Have a nice night under your bridge you drunken troll ! You can't spell or complete a sentence with any grammatical structure so the message isn't very competent! Maybe work on that and be less concerned with girls you don't know!

Thanks for the little troll show! Lol

Again don't usually post and tried to handle this private! You brought it out here so this is my one and only post on this matter.

Attention seeking troll under the bridge was bored! Sadly, this is the only interaction that you can have with a woman on this board; due to your outstanding reputation amongst the ladies lol! Case closed! Mystery solved!

I'll go back to my happy ho existence!!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
The floor is all yours Hall of Famer. Small bag. Thread should last as long.

Ok For one I never mentioned your name ever... I don't even know you. The bigger issue is that you made it obvious in the pm that you are close to rockerrivck which on several occasions I was told he s violent. Please show where I mentioned you anywhere? Your troll boyfriend feeling the heat of being violent person to women had you pm me sone bable and again I don't know you. So he dragged you into his pathetic troll show not me. I posted this because of the vauge yet still a threating comment. It is known that he uses other handles and providers pm. So you saying my post is an alert to providers the you are talking out of your ass. I am a legit hobbyist that your boyfriend decided to go head to head with and has been getting smashed to no end. He also had to make up Winn Dixie to try and make up countless lies with zero proof and that did not work. So it's obvious you associate yourself with trolls and that is why I posted this. If you standup and allow a troll to use your pm and comment then although you say your silent your suspect. If you look at my post what I said that some of his last reviews have spoke and said he was violent towards. Who are you?. I don't see you anywhere on his reviews? I have never seen, met or spoke to you. So don't act like your pm was nothing but threatening. I am not sure why you are standing with the biggest troll that just floats around talking shit and bullying women and members?. I am really surprised. I am also really surprised that you would stick your neck out for him when you don't know me yet act as if you do by your unfounded disparaging remarks. I have 85 reviews and relevant in all areas because I treat providers with respect and show honesty in my reviews. Is it worth it? If your name was never mentioned why pm me?. Did trolls just put you up to it?. Or are they using your handle?. It sounded just like RR.its obvious I use voice text and to answer why she sent a threat?. I don't know I have never mentioned her name. She gets info from trolls that I have been bashing, so since she doesn't know me.. she just regurgitates just what trolls say. Pm my reviews and see how dangerous I am. This is why it never sticks because zero proof. I would also bring out that if her bf is a troll then what does that say about her?.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Post it up faggot, show everyone what a retarded fucking idiot you are.. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Post up the pm and show what a moronic douchebag you are.
She pmed you and told you to leave her alone.
Take a hint and fuck off you stupid loser. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Kinda reminds me of when Li'l Ricki rode to the rescue of his tainted damsel, Slave Guinevere. That didn't end well for him.
Mata Leon rapist at large, just because you are to dumb to comprehend the pm you received. She told you who she is. You stupid fucking rapist!
She nicely asked you to stop posting about her and to stop your bullshit.
You are a complete idiot that has been removed from every social list in Austin including the poker party you like to brag about ... every one!!!!
Would you like to read the pm that Ztonk sent regarding the fact you are no longer welcome?
CK removed you months ago!
Crawl back under your bridge Midget Shrek before your demise.
Eccie fix your stupid fucking gateway timeout glitch!
daarakan's Avatar
This is like a superhero battle with a damsel in distress in the middle!