Rather DIRECT Questions

... G'day You-inzers,

Here's where the questions get Rather Direct:

Let's start... Is Dan Rather still considoured a disgrace
after his lies concerning W. Bush??

... See? ... "Rather Direct" ....

... Just a direct joke to surely get things
started here, mates...

.... So - No truth - to the idea the 2020 election
was RIGGED?? ... And did 1pittsburgh just use Hillary's
(and the liberal media) favourite word - "DEBUNKED"??

Crikey! ... Hillary surely used THAT word when
telling America that she had NO Classified Info
on her server... Remember?

Didn't she also tell America that the absurd idea
"Benghazzi" was a terrorist attack had been Debunked??

... DEBUNKED... How sad.

Hmmmm... So four or five states pissing on their-own
voting rules - and allowing boxes and boxes of ballots
without proper signature verification is NOT rigging??

And Fifty-One (51) past and present memebers of the
FBI/DOJ and "US Intelligence" ALL claiming the
Hunter laptop is False and Russian Dis-info ain't rigging??

President Joe Biden surely KNEW the laptop was REAL.
So Did the FBI and DOJ... That's not rigging??

... Reckon I'm being DIRECT here.
Do YOU liberal lads believe THAT is honest and fair?

No Whataboutism needed - just a true answer to me question.

#### Salty
You're still going on about the 2020 election? How many threads do you folks need to start about it? The true answer is that over 100 court cases have tried to prove that the election was rigged and not a single one was successful. The burden of proof is on those who are claiming that there are "boxes and boxes" of improper ballots that were allowed to be cast. No on has even come close to proving it.

What the hell does Hunter Biden's laptop have to do with rigging an election? Did he have some secret election rigging software on there?
... You can get all those answers concerning the Hunter laptop
and the Biden Family over in me "Crime Syndicate" thread
in the Political forum. ...

The FBI/DOJ Intelligence LIES about the laptop helped
sway the votes for Joe Biden... Many polls have shown that
IF voters had known the laptop was REAL - they may not
have voted for Joe.... Yet another way to RIG the election.

... Here's another Direct Question - do you lads believe
that the Biden Family was being payed by foreign nations
$$$$ while Joe was on as Vice-President?

#### Salty
You're still not getting that most people would have voted for a can of paint over the scumbag Cult 45 leader. Hunter Biden's fabled laptop, the most spoke about laptop in the history of lap tops, wouldn't have made one bit of difference.

You still haven't answered my question. How many threads do you folks need to make about the 2020 election? You were just commenting in one about the exact same thing right before you made this one.
... This thread aint just about the election.
It concerns Direct Questions.

Such-as ... President Joe Biden has stated that he and
his family didn't get any money from China.
And yet the bank records show otherwise.

... So - do YOU believe him??

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
That depends on how you define "family" as well as "money" and "China" and possibly "get" and "no"