I will probably die without experience this

I'm talking about love. Didn't grow up in a loving home. Didn't have many friends. Girlfriends came and went, but they only stayed as long as I was useful to them. I did a lot of things wrong in my life. Would like to have a family with a loving wife and cute kids. But I can't even begin to think what that would be like. Throughout my life, I see more compassion from people who otherwise should not have given me any, and none from those who should. But I'm not bitter about it. Just how my life is. Anyone else can relate?
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
No sweetie. But, never give up on Love. And as long as you have Hope, you're Winning. Everyone's path in life will be different. You will find yours one day. It's Never "too late" for anyone. Life is a Journey full of Choices.
No sweetie. But, never give up on Love. And as long as you have Hope, you're Winning. Everyone's path in life will be different. You will find yours one day. It's Never "too late" for anyone. Life is a Journey full of Choices. Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Thanks for the kind words.

But I have a feeling I will die this year. Going to the doctor tomorrow.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Death is not the end my friend. Only the beginning.
Prime Time's Avatar
Chairman Mao can relate.
Chairman Mao can relate.
Originally Posted by Prime Time

Of course, I'm glad no one has a pathetic a life as mine.
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 08-26-2014, 10:05 PM
Before the ass wipes chime in and ridicule you, I will tell you to not even go there. Not sure what your age is but you can't give up too soon. Yea those that are supposed to be there for you (i.e. family) are the first to fuck you. But almost every family experiences that. You never know who or what's around the corner. Don't even go there man. It can still happen... js. Not sure who or what bought this on but hang in there guy.
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 08-26-2014, 10:05 PM
I'm talking about love. Didn't grow up in a loving home. Didn't have many friends. Girlfriends came and went, but they only stayed as long as I was useful to them. I did a lot of things wrong in my life. Would like to have a family with a loving wife and cute kids. But I can't even begin to think what that would be like. Throughout my life, I see more compassion from people who otherwise should not have given me any, and none from those who should. But I'm not bitter about it. Just how my life is. Anyone else can relate? Originally Posted by wickerman1
The SPCA is full of guys like you. Get a puppy. You'll never find more unconditional love.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
The SPCA is full of guys like you. Get a puppy. You'll never find more unconditional love. Originally Posted by drax1
Definitely a doggie, not a cat. Darn it, where's Fancy with her uplifting pictures when we need them.... They always brighten up my day, I'm sure they will for you as well...
I didn't mean to bring y'all down.
Aishu2's Avatar
Hey Wickerman. As high as the divorce rate is in the world, your experiencing what most people are as well except one key point. Instead of spending money on lawyers and child support. You spend your hard earned money on some GFs and beautiful women on this site. You never know, your love of your life could be already in your life. Just haven't realized it yet. Usually happens when you least expect or look for it. Keep your chin up.
......Would like to have a family with a loving wife and cute kids..... Originally Posted by wickerman1
It is miserable.

Trust me.
When you see your doctor tomorrow, tell him/her about how you're feeling. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it.

Whatever it is, don't let it beat you.
  • Sonya
  • 08-26-2014, 10:36 PM
Hey maybe I'm misreading this but you sound pretty depressed. We aren't doctors. But I've just recently gone to a funeral of a friend who committed suicide. I wish he had gotten help. Depression can be a chemical imbalance. Might have nothing to do with love. Do me a solid. Go talk to a Dr. Please.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Definitely a doggie, not a cat. Darn it, where's Fancy with her uplifting pictures when we need them.... They always brighten up my day, I'm sure they will for you as well... Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
I was in some thread about pussy... damn cats.

I've had love, and I've had dogs. Dogs lasted longer, and were better company.

Seriously, I've had my share of dark, hopeless days (we all have), and my dogs kept me going. Waking up next to a warm pup who yawns, wags sleepily, then snuggles in closer to your body with complete trust and faith in his/her eyes just lifts the mood for the whole day. The only drawback.... morning dog breath.

Find one thing that makes you happy tomorrow. The next day, find another. It's step by step, my friend. First of all, love yourself.