The Mormons, Fundamentally

JohnnyCap's Avatar
"Polygamy is illegal in both Utah and Arizona. To avoid prosecution, typically men in Colorado City [a primarily fundamentalist mormon city straddling the border of the two states] will legally marry only the first of their wives; subsequent wives, although 'spiritually married' to their husband by Uncle Rulon [fundamental Mormon figurehead], thus remain single mothers in the eyes of the state. This has the added benefit of allowing the enormous families in town to qualify for welfare and other forms of public assistance. Despite the fact that Uncle Rulon and his followers regard the governments of Utah, Arizona and the United States as Satanic forces out to destroy the UEP [United Effort Plan, aka Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints], their polygamous community receives mote than $6 million a year in public funds."

-Jon Krakauer, Under the Banner of Heaven

What sayest thou? Religious freedom or vagabonds deserving incarceration?
Neither, they're gaming the system.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-09-2014, 01:20 PM
Well, since we legalized gay marriage, we might as well legalize polygamy and reduce the government's expenses in this case, since all you conservatives complain about assistance programs, here is one I oppose!!
Vagabonds. Throw them in jail.

Put the kids in foster families.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Neither, they're gaming the system. Originally Posted by Stanfeld
Gaming the system=vagabonds deserving incarceration
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, since we legalized gay marriage, we might as well legalize polygamy and reduce the government's expenses in this case, since all you conservatives complain about assistance programs, here is one I oppose!! Originally Posted by BJerk
Technically inaccurate. We oppose assistance programs that encourage people not to work, assistance programs that target a democratic voting block, and abuse of assistance programs.

Also gay marriage has NOT been legalized.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-09-2014, 10:14 PM
Technically inaccurate. We oppose assistance programs that encourage people not to work, assistance programs that target a democratic voting block, and abuse of assistance programs.

Also gay marriage has NOT been legalized. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Holder just basically legalized on his own, and no one can stop him, apparently. Unless you conservative mutts are willing to throw down, we are going to keep on steamrolling you.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Well, since we legalized gay marriage, we might as well legalize polygamy and reduce the government's expenses in this case, since all you conservatives complain about assistance programs, here is one I oppose!! Originally Posted by BJerk
Legal polygamy wouldn't solve the abuse here. There is still lots to oppose.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Holder just basically legalized on his own, and no one can stop him, apparently. Unless you conservative mutts are willing to throw down, we are going to keep on steamrolling you. Originally Posted by BJerk

So you're going to take ownership of the illegal, unconstitutional actions of Holder? Be careful, the wall awaits you.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I would not call it gbaming the sytem. The system is flawed due to the governments ineptness and desire to control the loves of the people. the government makes the rules and the people are following the rules. Why is it the responsibility of the government to decide how many husbands or wives you can have at any one time?

The true reality is that the parents, married or not, should share in the responsibility of funding the the needs of the child and not the government.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hasa diga Eebowai!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-16-2014, 11:53 AM
Why is it the responsibility of the government to decide how many husbands or wives you can have at any one time?

The true reality is that the parents, married or not, should share in the responsibility of funding the the needs of the child and not the government. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Completely agree. Stick with the basic principles. Why should it be any different if a man is living in a house with two women, married to both or married to one or married to neither.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If a man (or woman) has one spouse (of the opposite sex) it is called monogamy, if there are two spouses it is called bigamy, if there are three or more spouses it is called pigamy.

An old grade school joke (that has been updated) but it illustrates something. A rich man or woman could have hundreds of thousands of spouses under relaxes laws and societal more's. Some people want to complain now about how the rich keep getting richer but imagine if the rich had all the pussy as well, literally. I mean where would it stop. I can imagine a rich, powerful man may want to have several wives; one like Hillary for running his programs, one like Monica for blowjobs, one like Palin for exciting the crowds and being his face, another like Condi for policy decisions, another like Ann Coulter for monitoring the press, and at least one actress like Angelina Jolie for PR. Their fortunes rise and fall with his. A man could get a lot accomplished with such a group of women. Plus I guess you need a Duggar, a Sulimon, or Gosselin to raise any children.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're an asshole.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
FuckZup is always coming up behind that piece of toilet paper that breaks off when you wipe.