Will you hobby or will wife/SO/GF give it up on V-Day

Just curious how many of you guys women give it up on Valentine's ....


If you hobby still ?(No judgement)
No and no.
I am a single man and for some reason I don't hobby on Valentines Day since I had a RWGF years ago,But I do hobby about 3 times on Halloween.
Sir Axl's Avatar
We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day, but she will probably put out tonight. Just like last night, and the night before that, and the night before that...
I think I’ll hobby.
Wife's not feeling well (stressed about work and such), so although she may be willing it probably
wont happen tonight. Still, I bought some small toys yesterday so maybe she'll let me treat her.
I had my first hobby experience with Alexis last week (after 25 yrs with no other woman) - and at
this point I'm almost over the embarrassment/shame (wow that was quick) and already thinking
about my next bit of fun. It might be cheaper to buy a Corvette in the long run though. Anyway,
I'm working from home Friday so thinking about contacting Ryan(ImThatGirl) for an
incall (she's newbie friendly and close by)...
...so the final answer is "Both!" for me I guess.
GiovaniDosSantos's Avatar
That is none of your damn business.
pmdelites's Avatar
Just curious how many of you guys women give it up on Valentine's .... Originally Posted by Analeese
give what up??
in my 40+ yrs of experience w/ women, they dont give up anything.
they get even.


If you hobby still ?(No judgement) Originally Posted by Analeese
i've never hobbied still.
when i hobby, the provider (of those i've consulted with) and i move a LOT
pyramider's Avatar
We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day, but she will probably put out tonight. Just like last night, and the night before that, and the night before that... Originally Posted by Sir Axl

I thinck Analeese was asking if the wife/SO will put out with you, and not the neighborhood.
That is none of your damn business. Originally Posted by GiovaniDosSantos
You have issues.
Just curious how many of you guys women give it up on Valentine's .... Originally Posted by Analeese
pyramider's Avatar
That is none of your damn business. Originally Posted by GiovaniDosSantos

Sounds like a big NO on loving.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Best I could do was text a former provider and thank her for a memorable Valentine's Day four years ago. Hey, at least I got a response, which means my day was a little less crappy than it would have been otherwise.

SO? Why should today be any different than the last 7,213? (I did the math.)
Doug4343's Avatar
My SO and I haven't had sex in a couple years. And I wouldn't be able to think of a good excuse to hobby tonight, so no. No hookers tonight for dougie. However, Friday I do think I'll be doing some hobbying.
ElBombero's Avatar
Neither. Now, I’m in a bind. It’s overdue with the SO, so as soon as I have some playtime elsewhere, I’ll come home and she’ll want some. So, I’ll just wait in limbo for a few more days It sucks getting older.