THE Big Lie

ICU 812's Avatar
Richard Nixon will always be remembered for saying, "This president is not a crook!"

President Bush (GHW aka 41) will always be remembered for saying. "Watch my lips, no new taxes!"

Secretary of State Clinton (Hillery) will always be remembered for saying, "What difference . . .does it make?"

President Clinton (Bill}, will always be remembered for saying, "I never had sex with that woman . . ."

President Biden will always be remembered for two baldfaced lies:

"First of all, I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period,"

The next, most recent lie will become, "I have never been i business with . . ."

hese last two statements will go down in history as THE big lies of the 21st Century.
oilfieldace's Avatar
When Bidens mouth opens there is a lie coming out, assuming he can make a coherent statement
clinton has many memorable quotes

among them...."you'd better put some ice on that"

and not to forget..."it depends on what the definition of is, is"

and you left off the best part of the quote you did quote

i always liked how he ended that quote with "miss lewinsky"

"i did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky"
clinton has many memorable quotes

among them...."you'd better put some ice on that"

and not to forget..."it depends on what the definition of is, is"

and you left off the best part of the quote you did quote

i always liked how he ended that quote with "miss lewinsky"

"i did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky" Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Don't forget, "I Never Inhaled", lol.
... Hee Hee! ... Clinton was the BEST at the lying quotes...

... "We didn't spy on Trump's campaign" ...

... "I was born in Kenya"...

... "If you like your doctor - you can keep your doctor"...

... And the best one yet - "I love Hillary"...

#### Salty