Republican nominee for 2024

VitaMan's Avatar
The Republican party is going to nominate a former President who has been indicted how many times so far ?

Can't the grand old party (GOP) do better than this ? If they could find at least 1 reasonable candidate, they would have no trouble defeating Biden in 2024.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yep I don't understand. It's terrible and trumppf is killing the party.
That's what He is. A divider leaving destruction ever where . I pray he he is not the candidate
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Your prayers aren’t going to be answered.
oilfieldace's Avatar
What difference does it make who they nominate, you and a few others should be jumping for joy
winn dixie's Avatar
What difference does it make who they nominate, you and a few others should be jumping for joy Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Care to extrapolate?
oilfieldace's Avatar
Folks that have been following this forum know the answer.
DNinja69's Avatar
The Republican party is going to nominate the person seen as most likely to beat Biden or Harris if for some reason ole Joe gets himself benched. In general a good philosophy but if it goes down that way will Trump derail himself before reaching the finish line and if so what then?
The Republican party is going to nominate the person seen as most likely to beat Biden or Harris if for some reason ole Joe gets himself benched. In general a good philosophy but if it goes down that way will Trump derail himself before reaching the finish line and if so what then? Originally Posted by DNinja69
The powers that be already know who will be nominated and who will win the election. It's not about beating Biden or Beating Trump, it's about beating us, the people. It's like a personal gag reel for these psychos watching us bicker amongst ourselves over these candidates who don't give a shit about this country or the people in it. Yet we scramble to the polls to vote for them. My advice is don't vote all Governments are corrupt, all elections are rigged.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I agree they destroyed elections in 2020. Your vote no longer matters, just how many ballots they can print and retrieve, actually voting is pointless.
I agree they destroyed elections in 2020. Your vote no longer matters, just how many ballots they can print and retrieve, actually voting is pointless. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Don't get me wrong, elections are important it's every citizens right to vote. It's also our right to have fair elections without any outside interference or influence. The following clip features that psychopath Klaus Schwab saying we don't need election because the outcome can be predicted. Yeah I guess so if they're being rigged, lol.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The Republican party is going to nominate the person seen as most likely to beat .. Originally Posted by DNinja69
...You better lose yourself in the music
The moment, you own it, you better never let it go (Go)
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo
You better lose yourself in the music
The moment, you own it, you better never let it go (Go)
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo...
We the People got skin in this game. I think Levi is mostly spot on, except - what ever you do -- VOTE! Be heard. Make sure Trump is the nominee, whether the RNC likes it or not. We know the DNC doesn't like it. Oh sure, they try to jigger up some polls and pretend they can actually win, but they cannot without cheating. Trump's 76MILLION+ voters are all real.

They institutionalized cheating in 2020 because the covid. 37 States changed voting laws, on the fly, most illegally, under emergency powers. Look at the biggest switchers, shuck-n-jivers, i.e. the swing states. You remember, the ones that all closed down vote counting at 1 AM, while Trump was leading and then POOF Biden won. 81 million votes my ass.

The time for half-measures and talk is over. VOTE! If the Uniparty wins this one, it's game over - IMMHO. My suggestion:

With all your heart and soul -- Be the Public.
Be the enemy of The Powers That Be.