How many of you have deducted payments to hookers from your income taxes?

berryberry's Avatar
Seems the Biden Crime Family did it routinely and got away with it. Would you get a sweetheart deal too if you committed the same crime?

Hunter Biden deducted tens of thousands of dollars in payments he made to a prostitute and a sex club from his taxes, an IRS whistleblower told Congress.

The whistleblower, an IRS criminal investigator whose identity remains a mystery but who worked on the Biden tax probe, told members of the House Ways and Means Committee in a June 1 interview that Biden improperly deducted those expenses from his 2018 taxes.

That's one of the years covered under Biden's plea deal with federal prosecutors, which critics are deriding as a sweetheart deal. The whistleblower testimony fills in many of the gaps on how exactly Biden evaded paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes.

Payments like the ones described, doled out to prostitutes and sex clubs, were not just unlawful tax deductions but also may have been violations of federal sex trafficking laws, the whistleblower alleged, if the prostitutes crossed state lines. And the IRS had indeed located records showing that Biden flew prostitutes across state lines, "paying for their travel, paying for their hotels."

berryberry's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’d be kinda cool if it were a thing. Obviously a deduction only single guys would take, might raise some tweezed eyebrows if married filing jointly.
berryberry's Avatar
It’d be kinda cool if it were a thing. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yeah - alas it seems only the scumbag members of the Biden Crime Family can do this and get away with it
I haven't. How about when people give their money to the leftist Chinese massage girls who often send it back to our enemy, leftist China? Do you think those folks use it as a tax write off? Robert Kraft maybe?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You haven’t because you’re not a corrupt politician or the family member of one.
berryberry's Avatar
You haven’t because you’re not a corrupt politician or the family member of one. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yep. Seems there are special rules for corrupt leftists, in particular, for family members of the Senile Biden Crime Family
berryberry's Avatar
Wonder if Hunter Biden also wrote off on his taxes the dildo he had strippers use on him?

Hunter Biden spent several thousand dollars at a Manhattan strip club during a pair of visits — including one that sent a staffer scrambling to buy a sex toy so strippers could use it on him, sources told The Post on Wednesday.. . . . That same night, a worker had to be sent out to purchase a dildo so the gals could use it on Hunter, sources said.

It’s unclear if the club didn’t have a similar device on hand or if he insisted on a brand-new one fresh out of the package.