Common Courtesy #2.......

Good evening lovers. Well i remeber a couple of months ago i posted my Common Courtesy post and you all responded really well to it. Well im posting #2 because there is something that has me a bit peeved.

On my signature and in my ads that i post it clearly states "PLEASE READ ENTIRE SHOWCASE BEFORE CONTACTING ME IT SAVES US BOTH TIME". Well obviously some folks i guess overlook that and do the exact opposite of what im asking. Its very troublesome when a potential client asks me a question that reading my showcase could clearly answer for you.


Im sorry but all these unnecessary questions are a nuisance to me. I try not to be rude and respond by saying please refer to my showcase. The last time i did that the potential client got pissed at me! Really?? Why are you mad? LOL. So im putting out here on this post and ANYONE else who has this problem feel free to comment. Im no longer gonna respond to anyone who asks me time wasting questions that my showcase can clearly answer for you.

And the #1 peeve is negotiating my rates. I DO NOT DO THAT. (sighs) I love my job, and pleasing my clients but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. Its like they read the title of the ad and just bypass everything else and pm me. That is inconsiderate, period. Well sorry about the rant, good day to you all!!!!

tbone77494's Avatar
There's some dumb ass horny sob's out there Kammye. Don't let it bother you. And seriously, someone asked are you really a spinner? Ha. Yes dudes - you can treat her like a top - wheeee!
Yes they really did ask that lol.

There's some dumb ass horny sob's out there Kammye. Don't let it bother you. And seriously, someone asked are you really a spinner? Ha. Yes dudes - you can treat her like a top - wheeee! Originally Posted by tbone77494
Wakeup's Avatar
There is no such thing as common courtesy...
Umm ok.

There is no such thing as common courtesy... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Wakeup's Avatar
Why are you surprised? Or are you in denial?
Umm ok. Originally Posted by Kammye
I think he means there's courtesy, it's just not very common. At least anymore.

Can I have a discount now?
I know what he meant hun.

I think he means there's courtesy, it's just not very common. At least anymore.

Can I have a discount now? Originally Posted by Footballfanatic
I run a holiday property letting company, in my spare time. I advertise and have web sites which have all the information and anybody can book on line at any time.

However, only about 1 in 100 does so without contacting me first by email or phone. I respond courteously with an answer on rates and availability and refer them to the web site for full details.

No, I don't complain, it is business.
Yeah its business, and as I stated I also respond courteously and refer them to my showcase. Everyone doesn't constantly bombard me with questions, but for the ones that do I refer them to my showcase.
Just call it a red flag and be done with it.
Yep Ive done that sweetie. I just had to speak my peace is all. No biggie, no worries, its all love in my spinner universe. ♡♥♡♥

Just call it a red flag and be done with it. Originally Posted by JackNasty
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Hon, you are a hot lil "authentic" spinner. So many showcases are off by a mile, thank you for keeping it Real
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I definitely agree with not negotiating rates. When a provider states, "My donation is $____ per hour," well, pay her or move on to someone cheaper. Trying to lowball her is insulting, not to mention incriminating for her to talk prices in the first place.

However, a word on showcases... If a gent is lurking or not logged in, he cannot see the rates. That line and the "current specials" are viewable by members only. A lot of lurkers have valid concerns about joining. (Several of my gentlemen friends have used ECCIE as a resource but are not members for safety reasons.) Some members may be surfing from work, and while it's bad enough to be hitting ECCIE from the office if Big Brother Boss is watching, worse to sign in.

Like essence, I refer fellows to my website for rates, or my most recent ad here.