Thanks Obama

when i had kidney stones i crawled into my doctors office

they didn't want me lying on the floor wimpering , so i got shuffled into a room QUICK

he said i wasn't going to die but highly recommend i go to the hospital
so i paid the doc , out of pocket

see he no longer accepts my new insurance ( i got priced out of the blue cross)

when he didn't except my new insurance your forced to try and find some new doctor

and most great doctors are done fulled up with existing patients,

so i just pay him cash for my visits

its about 6K to 8K out of pocket for kidney stones roughly

or my 10k deductible

i went home and layed in the fetal position for 6 and a half days

no Medicaid ..... i "make too much " according to the TAX return i have to file
would have been nice to be a whore

cause i did it all wrong this life

when your self employed but not a whore

they require you submit quarterly income information to maintain your Obumacrap

cause they need to be up your ass for every dime

then if you don't report it correctly and you have an increase

your hit with the fines the following year ontop of the insurance premiums your doctor wont except for payment
jokacz's Avatar
So you can explain to all of us how the Repugnant Party alternatives would change all that...
lilylivered's Avatar
Self employed and no med insurance. Gotta love it.
But is it much worse than 10000 deductable.
So you can explain to all of us how the Repugnant Party alternatives would change all that... Originally Posted by jokacz
its not a right and should not be in the government hands to begin with

through the nineties BC was around a buck twenty five

early 2000 - two fifty
brfore obummer ruined it i was just under four hundred,,,,,manageable

now its over 6 and just stupid to throw that kinda cash at it with high deductables
suppose your on Medicaid?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
its not a right and should not be in the government hands to begin with

Originally Posted by JONBALLS

I'm hopping to have my 2014 hospital stay payed for by end of year or early nest year
Yet if Oblama did not fuck it up in the first place it would have been 100 or 150 co pay
Oh and my my Oblama approved care is more than the Cadillac care I was on
jokacz's Avatar
It is a right:, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

What part of life don't you get?

We're the only first world country without "socialized medicine" ( the right wing nuts hate that phrase, that's why I love it)

If we stop wasting money on wars on Republican boogey men like commies and terrorists there would be plenty to pay for it.
they weren't writing

about us

turning ourselves

into Venezuela

during the process

yah sick fuck
sorry got some texts these whores never sleep
eerrrr just starting their day


sure this will have been worth the wait
It is a right:, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

What part of life don't you get?
. Originally Posted by jokacz
see above

.We're the only first world country without "socialized medicine" ( the right wing nuts hate that phrase, that's why I love it) Originally Posted by jokacz
then jump on the next plane otta here

.f we stop wasting money on wars on Republican boogey men like commies and terrorists there would be plenty to pay for it. Originally Posted by jokacz

and how many times did willy have the chance to remove bin laden in the 90"s ?

4 or 5 ? little more prevention and a little less blow jobs could have saved us some headaches
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Merge with kidney stones threD, it's more cost effective whew
jokacz's Avatar
Oh Fuck! The return of the multi-quoter.

Doove Lives!
cowboy8055's Avatar
It is a right:, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

What part of life don't you get?
Originally Posted by jokacz

Healthcare is a service. People don't have a right to services on other people's dime.
Ceremony's Avatar
Life is a right yes. No one should take it from you at ANY point. Health Care is not because there is no way to guarantee that there will be the people, resources or knowledge to provide it. If we meld the two than we are just picking who gets to live through care and who doesn't.
Two people are gravely injured. It's possible that if there was enough time and resources I could save both buy, I choose to save the one I think has a better chance. Did I violate the others right to life?
ben8888's Avatar
It is a right:, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

What part of life don't you get?

We're the only first world country without "socialized medicine" ( the right wing nuts hate that phrase, that's why I love it)

If we stop wasting money on wars on Republican boogey men like commies and terrorists there would be plenty to pay for it. Originally Posted by jokacz
Guess Boogey men knocked the twin towers down right....You speak of worlds you do not know and probably have never and will never see.... You take your safety and security blanket provided by the soldiers of this nation for granted. Would you rather our nation be like Israel where you have to worry every day if the bus your family member is getting on or the mall they are visiting is going to be bombed...