What is your success rate?

After viewing a few posts and NCNS and last minute cancels, and life in general, I was thinking about success rates in the hobby. From both Hobbyists and Providers perspectives.

Are the guys mostly hitting home runs and always score 100% in seeing who they want when they wanted to?

Are the girls getting solid bookings without guys NCNS or last minute cancels?

I was run out of town a while back for suggesting a girl double book herself and guys are always saying to have Plan B, C and maybe even a D.

So what gives? how good are you at hitting the home run?
mods please remove this post I hit enter on accident before i put up my poll, thanks
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I can say that in the 6 years I have been doing this I have only had 3 No-shows....
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I can say that in the 6 years I have been doing this I have only had 3 No-shows.... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Only 3? that is GREAT! I can't say that but at least they usually call to say they can't make it.

Usually by the time I get a call then they are serious. So I don't have a lot of time wasters.

As for % I guess when they call I get 85% of the appts, some I get bad vibes, some can't make the only times I have open (that one REALLY puzzles me when they call early and ALL the times are open LOL)

The other 7% is the same guy calling and calling.
LeftySmith's Avatar
I was run out of town a while back for suggesting a girl double book herself... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
You actually suggested that girls double-book?? That is fucked up.