True Grit redux? Why?

LazurusLong's Avatar
Maybe I'm missing something but anyone care to take a guess as to why the folks in Hollywood figured that re-making True Grit would be worthwhile?

Yes, the original one did very well at the time and is a staple of TCM but I'm pretty sure that the "new" actors won't be able to deliver the same panache that a long time star like John Wayne brought to the set.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of any other western movie star who always sat tall in the saddle and I can't think of a movie where he played a truly evil or even horrible guy from start to end.

With him as Rooster Cogburn, you knew going in he was going to do the right thing.

I will wait for this to make it to cable and not bother to pay good money to see it in the theater.

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
True Grit redux? Why?

i'd have doubts too if it was made by anyone else besides the Coen Brothers. i've seen every movie thay have made, and will see every one they make in the future...pure movie greatness.

I am actually looking forward to seeing it. I was talking about it earlier.
maxim_232's Avatar
A very large percentage of what's coming out of Hollywood is a rehash of something old. Comic books, old TV series, Disney rides, nothing is sacred. It seems that one of the tricks in the music business is to find something to remake that is old enough for most people to not remember. Creativity is gone, the dollar rules.
Bridges is taking a small risk trying to take on a role by the Duke. But, he is a fine actor in his own right (oscar winner) so I will go see it. Will be interesting to see how he adds to the character. And the Coen brothers do great work.
I'm looking forward to this one as well. The original w/ The Duke, Glen Campbell, Kim Darby, Robert Duval, etc..was excellent, but I am looking forward to this one, esp since the Coen bros are doing it....
I love the Coen Broes too, but their last movie ("A Serious Man") was flat-out awful. I've heard its their goal to make a movie in every possible genre, so I guess this is their classic western attempt. I'll see it probably, but there was just way too much talent in the original version. I'm sure this one will be much bloodier, though.
TonyStark's Avatar
I think that the story line is so good that they are hoping to draw in the younger people who have never seen the original and really don't know who John Wayne is.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Lazarus, I thought the same thing when I heard that "Red Dawn" was being remade. The movie was just fine as is. Now that particular movie is hung up in limbo because MGM ran out of money.

I saw the original "True Grit" well over 20 years ago and I haven't seen it again since then... so I don't have any particular fond attachment to the film (like I do with "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly."

For the "True Grit" remake the trailer drew me in and like others here have said I am a fan of the Coen brothers other films. When it opens next weekend I will probably go and see it.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I'll be a bit controversial here. I loved the original version of True Grit. When it came out I was at the perfect age to enjoy it to the max. Old enough to enjoy the plot, young enough to believe in heroes and immerse myself in the movie without any thought to silly stuff like acting or production. It was perfect for me. Not long after that I saw 'The Cowboys'... I was hooked... a John Wayne fan for life.

... Fast-forward 30 years... I watched it again. Oh my. John Wayne's acting was 'oh-kaay', but in that movie Glen Campbell has to be one of the worst actors I've ever witnessed. (By the way, I'm a Glen Campbell fan... 'Gentle on My Mind' was one of my first albums.)

Remakes can go either way. I think the original Planet of the Apes was better than the remake. I think the original Love Bug was waaay better than Lindsay Lohan's version.

BUT... I thought that the recent '3:10 to Yuma' was far better than the original. Same with 'The Italian Job' and 'Scarface'.

Sooo, I'm looking forward to the remake of True Grit. I think Jeff Bridges can pull it off, especially in a Coen brothers movie. Any substitute for Glen Campbell would be an improvement, IMHO. My biggest worry is that the Coen brothers might miss the point that this story did and should have a feel-good element in it as the main characters triumph. It doesn't have to be cheesy, but it should be there.
TonyStark's Avatar
"Fill your hands you sonofabitch!"
sdguy08's Avatar
Not to go off-topic here, but it seems that Hollywood has lost it lack of imagination. How many times are they going to remake the same movies? I know this has been going on for years with some that have actually been successful or ones that I have enjoyed like Scarface. It seems that it's getting to the point that instead of coming up with new ideas for a movie, someone gets by with being able to turn a TV, cartoon or a movie from 20 or 30 years ago into a movie. Same thing, but new packaging.

OK, enough ranting... are spot on in your evaluation of Glen Campbell's acting ability...I just enjoyed him as a celeb. Matt Damon will be a huge improvement.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Not to go off-topic here, but it seems that Hollywood has lost it lack of imagination. How many times are they going to remake the same movies? I know this has been going on for years with some that have actually been successful or ones that I have enjoyed like Scarface. It seems that it's getting to the point that instead of coming up with new ideas for a movie, someone gets by with being able to turn a TV, cartoon or a movie from 20 or 30 years ago into a movie. Same thing, but new packaging.

OK, enough ranting... Originally Posted by sdguy08
If you think about it, I think we have all been telling the same stories since Shakespeare... and I think he was ripping off his stories since the Greeks originally told them...
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 12-16-2010, 09:57 PM
The Duke's version took some liberties. The remake is supposed to be truer to the novel.