~ mathmati-shuns ~ DON'T slip and ......

get it. but I have a math issue I can't solve. And trust me.. it matters. Going to hit my knees in a bit and pray that I posted this in a dude forum where math whizes hang out... The reason I'm doing it in wrong order is because when I pray... ver batim.. my day really sucks.. and I can't AT ALL afford for my day to suck.

oK. hERE is the deal. Its not a train traveling solve that I need.. but similiar.

Imagine a circle. Then .. fill it with TIE'S extended that are an inch and a quarter ..at what will be the center end of the circum reference. The opposite , wide, end... is three and half inches. The length.. wich shouldn't matter... ( coincidentally the same as when people are horizontal ) ... is about fifty six to fifty seven inches.


First one to answer gets a WHOO HOO... a free session.

( but they have to bring .10 % of the total ties needed )


Your question makes very little sense.. I am guessing that is by design.

But if I understood it correctly... the answer is right around 15.

Could you please restate the problem in a way that makes it a little less difficult to comprehend?
  • hd
  • 02-03-2011, 10:06 AM
would be much easier just handing over the buck.60? IMO
billw1032's Avatar
Yeah, assuming this is a serious math question it is not very precisely stated. Making some (pretty big) assumptions I think the answer is about 158 but it's not going to be an exact integer. And, the length does matter if I interpret the question correctly.
Your question makes very little sense.. I am guessing that is by design.

But if I understood it correctly... the answer is right around 15.

Could you please restate the problem in a way that makes it a little less difficult to comprehend? Originally Posted by argus256
ok. picture all your kneck ties... skinny end on the right... thick on the left... lined up like soldiers. If you have enough.. it will eventually make a circle. A complete one.

Why the length would matter I can not see... ; I'm not asking the circumfrence of the circle... I'm asking how many ties it would take to make it all the way around. Width matters... ( in this inquiry ) .. lenght just means the edge of the circle may be jagged if they are not all the same.

Is that better? And IT IS A SERIOUS MATH QUESTION. I'm making a Rug. Tie Rug.


Just bored I guess.
Your question makes very little sense.. I am guessing that is by design. Originally Posted by argus256

But if I understood it correctly... the answer is right around 15.

Could you please restate the problem in a way that makes it a little less difficult to comprehend? Originally Posted by argus256

Actually.. I think I must be from Saturn.. because I tried .. WITH ALL MY MIGHT .. to make it sense full. Tried to put it in the right forum.. and tried to appeal to those who enjoy creative discounts for time filling reaasons.

Maybe I need an english course.

dang it.
Gimmeallten$'s Avatar
33 jayne, final answer. Call it a stab in the dark. Can I see u now
billw1032's Avatar
OK, that's pretty much the way I read it. The length matters because the neck tie you describe is basically a trapezoid, and the angles depend on the length of the two bases (that's the width of the wide and skinny ends) and the "height" of the trapezoid (that's the length of the tie). Once you know the angles, you need enough of them to add up to 360 degrees (a full circle). Since it's a craft project and not a math quiz you have some room to adjust so you can live with an approximate number.

The answer I gave (158) assumes that you put together a circle of ties side-by-side with no overlap. But if you do that you'll have a pretty big hole in the middle (about 62 inches) and the whole thing will be about 175 inches in diameter. At least, that's the way my math came out. If you want to get rid of the hole in the middle you'll need to overlap the narrow ends in the middle and then the whole thing will be about 113 inches across (the length of 2 ties). In that case you'll need about 101 ties if my math is correct (pi * 113 / 3.5 = 101 ties approximately).

Hope that helps. And, hope somebody checks me on the math.
  • PT4ME
  • 02-03-2011, 12:50 PM
but I have to agree, the wording on this one makes it a bit tough.

I think I understand what you are trying to do, and I come up with approximately 60, depending how much "overlapping" you do at the center point, and where in that 1.25" stretch you start. Most "better" ties are not exactly wedge shaped, so to maintain some semblance of symetry, you may have to use a couple more. I would say 60 would be plenty. Not sure how big a circle you are trying to make, but you would probably come out better working your way "in" from the fat end of the tie.

Is this kinda what you are trying to accomplish?

- 44 ties

- 69 ties

- 28 ties

- 55 ties

If so, using the fat part looks like the way to go, the 1.25" section only tapers slightly for a long way on the average mans tie. And based on the pictures anywhere from 45-70 should work.

Hope I understood you correctly and this helps! Sounds like an interesting project for a cold "shut-in" kinda day! Have fun!

Jayne, I have three boxes of neck ties left to me by a relative and I have no need for 300 ties if you want them. I feel guilty just throwing them away but if they are serving a purpose, by all means, you are welcome to turn 'em into a bedspread if you want

I only need to keep five or six for "Bondage and Discipline Thursdays" at the Butch kitty dojo.
gntman's Avatar
I'm thinkin' 101, but that's without any overlap, just edge to edge. And that assumes the length is 56.5 to the center of the circle (the radius). What did I win? LOL!
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 02-03-2011, 10:29 PM
PT4Me - Those are awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Jayne - There was another provider on the boards some time back by the name of Ms. Barbara. She was into making things with ties. When I retired I took her all of my ties. She said she would show me the results, but alas I lost track of her.

You are a special person with lots of talent. You need to GO4IT and make something you can be proud of.
FishGuy13's Avatar
My first question is what type of tie and from what era? I have heard of tie skirts where a soft silk would be fine, but you said a rug. Some rugs can be just outside of the door or just inside and would be expected to be different than one you would expect to stand on barefoot say in a massage room or there are rugs that are hung on the wall. Think of the old Shakespeare plays a very fine rug was made of fine strands of silk and hung on the wall by the upper class and was also called a tapestry(not sure of spelling) Oh I also said from what era ties from the 70's tended to be much wider than more modern ties. I have a few that are coming apart that I keep meaning to throw out that would be great for this type of project. If it were me I'd plan on starting out with about 70 ties of a variety of colors and sizes and materials, fold about in half cut then place a wide next to a narrow, a dark next to light, solid next to print and or try to make it look like a color wheel you find in the paint dept area.
Oh and just for fun I'd also try to work in some bow ties and bolo ties. I'd be happy to provide a few and hope I get a discount if not no big deal, if we don't connect I still hope your post some pic's of your work in stages or the finished product!
Jason BS
FishGuy13's Avatar
Oh and what about pleats, overlap, or someother type of material between each tie, using the tie as an accent or the other material as the accent. You might also check in second hand stores like Goodwill for old ties that would be cheap or imports from asia in silk and odd color patters if you wanted to go high end or a mix or some just as an accent from this or that type. OH OH and if you did it just right turning each a head to tail '69' style you could make a square or circle.
Have fun with it and please post progress pic's
billw1032's Avatar
No winner announced? Maybe no one got it right, or maybe we won't know until she finishes the rug? jk