Friendly Question to The Owner

First time, starting a thread in Nat'l Forum...and maybe the last after this thread

But have a question, if it's none of my business, hopefully no offense taken.

First off, this is a great site...nothing new there. That's why I opted for the Lifetime Membership.

As a former CPA, must be a nice cash cow...with membership fees, provider adds, etc.

The question I have, it would seem that the real day-to-day work is done by the Moderators. It's my understanding, that at least at the local level the Moderators are not compensated, but volunteer their time. So what's your secret???

Again, not trying to be an a-hole, just a retired CPA wondering out loud...and tipping his hat
burkalini's Avatar
Don't know if your going to get a answer on this one. I believe how and what go's on is not our business unless it affects our privacy in some way. Maybe you should apply to be a moderator and then you will find out. lol
Rec'd a nice PM from a Mod who laid out some interesting thoughts

And sure, I wasn't expecting any type of detail w/o
question that type of stuff would be no one's business, except for
the owner and his accountant, lol