A felony and up to 30 years in prison for pimping and pandering?

JackHammer007's Avatar
Those ladies that travel to Atlanta might want to take precaution if this prosecutor gets his way.

Grace Preston's Avatar
It was already a felony in most states-- Georgia was just behind the curve on this one.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Pandering, huh?

By the book, pandering is to 'indulge' in what is supposed to be considered immoral or distasteful behavior (who the hell is the authoritative figure on what is and isn't immoral, btw?).

I would argue that being a billionaire, BY DEFINITION, is pandering. You don't need a billion dollars to live.

Sex is a natural act, and every living being should be entitled to pursue it, with a willing participant of consenting age. Money being involved should be immaterial.

We pay for food...instead of hunting for it ourselves. Why do most of us pay for food instead of hunt.
Convenience, no hunting/farming skills or acumen, temperament.

When it comes to hunting or farming, some people just have no 'game'. But it's not illegal to pay for food. Consuming food is a natural act, btw, something we all need to do to survive.

Sex and occasional human contact is an arguable need, and is even listed on the Maslow's Pyramid.

Paying for sex should be immaterial. Some people have no 'game' to get it for free, so they do the next best thing.

Why is this illegal?

Pimping is a different story, particularly if it's forced.

Pandering [being a felony] is laughable.

Just my opinion.
30 years for some nookie? Murder can be as low as 18 in many states.
Grace Preston's Avatar
No. 30 years for selling some nookie from a vagina that isn't yours. I've yet to see anyone get a pandering charge for buying nookie-- its usually reserved for the Heidi Fleiss types...
jimmy jump's Avatar
Heidi Fleiss got popped for attempted pandering, went to prison 3 years for tax evasion.
If they want you, they will pin you with whatever they want.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The war on sex, by our friends at gov.com and the church .
30 years for some nookie yeah that's ridiculous
vagina should be treated like utilities i.e. gas, electricity, water etc...deductible from business taxes and everything. tax it and regulate it. ofcourse then culture warriors will start pussy neutrality fight but they'll never win since pussy can never be neutral by nature.
kushella's Avatar
I've seen girls get charged with pimping and pandering as well as prostitution (albiet usually black or Hispanic girls) but they don't stick after they bond out. It really depends on how much of an ahole the arresting officer wants to be but if it's "supposedly" to cut down on sex trafficking and pimps......they just never catch anyone being trafficked or pimped? Weird.