Any sun girls take communion????

Any info is appreciated????
Cat doesn’t.
Good to know thank you. Any body else?
Eve perhaps????
C'mon Chung I know you know ��
BiggD6's Avatar
Nah, Chung's going soft these days. He doesn't go after sluty ugly fat black girls anymore either, I believe. I think he's lost the will. Maybe he'll surprise us all and turn into a PaPaSan. There you go Chung, you can test drive all perspective girls and give them a weekly service review to ensure the highest performance standards for the clients. That's if you haven't gone soft. HaHa
Chung Tran's Avatar
Nah, Chung's going soft these days. He doesn't go after sluty ugly fat black girls anymore either, I believe. I think he's lost the will. Originally Posted by BiggD6

It has been a while, but there are more slutty ugly fat black girls in my future, LOL.. Hopefully a few that aren't fat, too. It's harder to hook up since Covid, but stay tuned.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Sky and Nana for certain.
Doug4343's Avatar
CAT does, saw her yesterday for a nice creme pie. So does Sky, Sophia, and Nana. Think sopha wants more $
Chung Tran's Avatar
CAT does, saw her yesterday for a nice creme pie. So does Sky, Sophia, and Nana. Think sopha wants more $ Originally Posted by Doug4343
IIRC, the last 2 Cat reviews said CFS..can you confirm her menu has not changed?
Another review of Cat was just posted. I read it and it said condom. I suppose it’s possible she goes without for some people or depending on her mood. But I would assume she will want one unless she says otherwise.
Doug4343's Avatar
IIRC, the last 2 Cat reviews said CFS..can you confirm her menu has not changed? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Ive seen her many times, back to Nagoya days. So she knows me well, maybe that is why. She always asks and I usually decline.

Yesterday on shower table she asked and I said no, and she hopped on.
slap's Avatar
  • slap
  • 11-22-2020, 05:05 PM
Cat is communion friendly. Was offered when she was at Luxury
TMNT LEO's Avatar
Ive seen her many times, back to Nagoya days. So she knows me well, maybe that is why. She always asks and I usually decline.

Yesterday on shower table she asked and I said no, and she hopped on. Originally Posted by Doug4343
I had a great time when I saw her at Nagoya. I would see her again.