Honest Opinions Please: How do you really feel about copiers?

I'm not referring to the machine; I'm actually wondering how hobbyists really feel about providers who can't be original? Ladies, how do you feel when you know a provider is copying someone elses style?
Htowner's Avatar
Ok, we are still waiting for someone who gives a shit.
Ok, we are still waiting for someone who gives a shit. Originally Posted by Htowner
I'm sure there are a lot of folks who think the same about you, lol.

I'm just joshing with you Htowner
Well it stinks when other providers steal your stuff....they can be original to.
wallstreet's Avatar
i think you have to be more specific.

obviously having boobs and being available isnt really original
onehitwonder's Avatar
In a word..........laziness........ ...
I think they are referring to stealing photos and using them to get business instead of using their own. It has happened before and once I even discovered a group of ladies who had borrowed photos of others and were passing the photos as them.

One of the photos they picked was of our very own Irish Lass FancyInHeels. There is ONLY 1 Fancy... and her reputation is impeccable

I alerted Fancy about this and now she has watermarked her photos as well as from time to time you will see her post an ad WARNING ladies about photo thieves.

I guess you can say "you know you are a hobbyist when you can read the text of a BP ad and know who it is before you look at the photo or spot someone who is using someones photos with out their permission"
Htowner's Avatar
I'm sure there are a lot of folks who think the same about you, lol.

Originally Posted by UnderCoverDiva

Oh whom are you telling? I am living it.

Shit I thought it was about our feelings towards the copiers. They break down a lot.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 10-09-2010, 07:47 AM
I'm actually wondering how hobbyists really feel about providers who can't be original? Originally Posted by UnderCoverDiva
To be frank, it is getting tired to see the same providers that are copying others, especially the one with a guided manual, by starting stupid threADs daily and sometimes hourly!
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm actually wondering how hobbyists really feel about providers who can't be original? Originally Posted by UnderCoverDiva
"feel" ... or "think"?

Personally, I "feel" with my hands, and "think" with my brain.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Well, there can only be so many original ideas. In any arena of business the idea process only has so much room to work with. Though I'm sure there are blatant instances of copying, many times it's probably not intentional. The other person simply thought of the same thing at later time than you and had no idea you'd already done it. You know the old mantra, 'great minds think alike'.

I bet a caveman down the street had the idea of the wheel before the originator, but was out hunting when he thought of it while the other guy was chisling away.
TexasGator's Avatar
"feel" ... or "think"?

Personally, I "feel" with my hands, and "think" with my brain. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've been accused of doing both with a different part of my anatomy.

Fortunately, I live in a country where one is innocent until proven guilty.
DarthMaul's Avatar
I am moving this to "The SandBox". This is really not a thread about "The Hobby".

Now I am wondering how long it will take before the bickering starts and I hand out points.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-09-2010, 11:49 AM
In the worlds oldest profession how can one be original?

What did someone steal from you I mean your UTR I don't even know why you are here really it kinda strange. You talking about the avatar that the AD used? If so well that's what the AD does you can't let that thing get to you.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well, there can only be so many original ideas. In any arena of business the idea process only has so much room to work with. Though I'm sure there are blatant instances of copying, many times it's probably not intentional. The other person simply thought of the same thing at later time than you and had no idea you'd already done it. You know the old mantra, 'great minds think alike'.

I bet a caveman down the street had the idea of the wheel before the originator, but was out hunting when he thought of it while the other guy was chisling away. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I agree with that. Just try and come up with a name for a business you think I'd unique and then go google it. It will take the wind right outta your sail lol.