The generic Sildenafil (Viagra) that is available is manufactured in India or Australia by Cipla ( - a manufacturer recognized by the World Health Organization as safe and used as the primary supplier of antibiotics and HIV medications to Africa and other developing nations. Cipla manufactures vast quantities of generics and distributes them world-wide, even through your local Wal-Mart. In India, there is little if any patent protection on medications, as the Indian government places public health and welfare concerns above the profiteering of drug manufacturers. In some sense this policy is awesome for organizations like the WHO that can get medicines into developing countries cheaply . . . in other ways, of course, it dilutes a US, European or Chinese manufacturer's profits that offset development of the drug and funds further research and new drug investigation . . . in that sense, buying a generic of certain pharmaceuticals from a pharmacy carrying Cipla products may be morally questionable (so far as patent and profit is concerned, but that is why most of us buy from Canada and other countries in the first place, isn't it?) but you're saving a ton.
No generics of most any ED medication are available in Canada becasue in many respects they are the "51st State" and they have trade and other agreements with the US that prohibit the manufacture of generic Sildenafil and other medications still protected by patent.
Section 804 (as I referenced above) does not make the qualification that the pharmacy be located in Canada any longer, just that it be on an approved list. Also, ANY pharmacy that has ANY presence in Canada can import legally into the US from any OTHER country - the drug does not necessarily have to come from Canada, just a pharmacy with a Canadian presence . . . so yes, some have a PO Box. If you buy wisely there's no harm dealing with a pharmacy that has done this. How is it different than legitimate companies that take advantage of loopholes in statute here in the US to gain a government contract or shelter from tax? Just because they maintain a PO box in Canada doesn't mean they're going to send you substandard goods.
The pharmacy I referenced is in Vanuatu and imports from Australia (where many prescription "generic" laws are relaxed) or directly from India. They are compliant by having a registered office in Canada. They carry few if any pharmaceuticals manufactured in China.
BTW, vernors - you'd be amazed at how much of the US drug supply isn't made in the US . . . the vast majority of generics and a large percentage of "on patent" medications are imported form overseas, manufactured by Jassen or other companies by contract from Pfizer, Abbott, etc. You're not always paying for a drug manufactured in the good ole' USA, you are just paying good ole' USA prices.
For my money, I'll go offshore to Vanuatu every chance I get . . . the quality is awesome and the efficacy is the same. It is coming from the same manufacturer in India employing the identical quality control standards used for manufacturing generics for export from India into the US and Europe.
However, I will never knowingly purchase a Chinese manufactured product.
BTW, vernors . . . if you step out on your wife to hobby and are successfully clandestine enough to pull that off, you could just as easily sneak off to another general practitioner for a valid script for ED medication . . . just a thought, no offense is offered.
- Jackie