What? No discussion about robots killing people?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This piece of shit in Dallas was sent to his reward by means of a remote controlled robot and a pound of C4. The liberals and intelligensia are going into contortions deciding whether this was kool or just another step up the drone program. What say you?

Sometimes Police have to get into the 5%er mode and do whatever it takes. I have no problem with it what so ever. Those that do have never been in a position to make a decision in the midst of mayhem.

If Sylvester Stallone isn't available send in a robot.
pyramider's Avatar
Wait for Rainblo to start spouting off that the robot was built by white engineers thus is a racist robot.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Cop shoots black suspect.
It must be racism.

Suspect shoots cops, says he wanted to kill white people.
It must be guns.

Liberal logic at it finest.
I do have an issue with the militarization of our police. Using C4 kind of pushes that line. I remember the Phil. Police dropping a bomb on civilians in the 80's. Killed women & children, and burned down 63 homes. Sure they weren't going to take this guy alive, but using bombs opens up a new set of issues.
Buyer Beware...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It comes down to protecting the public, protecting the officer(s), stopping/protecting the offender (I.E. keeping the bastard from getting off easy by killing himself), and collateral damage.

Sometimes you need C4, sometimes a mounted firearm, etc. A surefire non-lethal system would be nice but you only have what you have.

Totally foolproof safety systems (only delivers lethal force when directed to)have to be installed on any device that might encounter friendlies.

And a must, extensive training with regular practice on the equipment.
It comes down to protecting the public, protecting the officer(s), stopping/protecting the offender (I.E. keeping the bastard from getting off easy by killing himself), and collateral damage.

Sometimes you need C4, sometimes a mounted firearm, etc. A surefire non-lethal system would be nice but you only have what you have.

Totally foolproof safety systems (only delivers lethal force when directed to)have to be installed on any device that might encounter friendlies.

And a must, extensive training with regular practice on the equipment. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The "Black Lives Matters Crowd" believes that it should always be an equal fight. If the Thug/Punk/Criminal is unarmed, then the cops cannot use any kind of weapon. If the Thug/Punk/Criminal has a knife, that is all the cop is allowed. If the Thug/Punk/Criminal has a gun, then the cops are only allowed to have a gun of equal power. If the Thug/Punk/Criminal is 6'5" 300 lbs, and is beating the shit out of the cop, well the cop should have spent more time in the Gym.

It very logical thinking for those that have no regard for the rule of law, and make their livings involved in activities that include drug dealing, stealing, assault, pandering, murder, and mayhem.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I do have an issue with the militarization of our police. Using C4 kind of pushes that line. I remember the Phil. Police dropping a bomb on civilians in the 80's. Killed women & children, and burned down 63 homes. Sure they weren't going to take this guy alive, but using bombs opens up a new set of issues. Originally Posted by papadee
I can agree with where is the limit.

But I think that is secondary in this case. A more important lesson was taught.

We're going to come and get you.

We have a bomb we're not afraid to use it.
It's a very short leap from "to save cop lives" to kill this guy with a robot to "to save agents lives" to pre emptively drone a us citizen on us soil. Maybe not for you and me, but for the guys holding the buttons.
Cop shoots black suspect.
It must be racism.

Suspect shoots cops, says he wanted to kill white people.
It must be guns.

Suspect shoots gays, shouts Allahu Akbar!
It must be guns.

Liberal logic at it finest. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
List goes on.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The "Black Lives Matters Crowd" believes that it should always be an equal fight. If the Thug/Punk/Criminal is unarmed, then the cops cannot use any kind of weapon. If the Thug/Punk/Criminal has a knife, that is all the cop is allowed. If the Thug/Punk/Criminal has a gun, then the cops are only allowed to have a gun of equal power. If the Thug/Punk/Criminal is 6'5" 300 lbs, and is beating the shit out of the cop, well the cop should have spent more time in the Gym.

It very logical thinking for those that have no regard for the rule of law, and make their livings involved in activities that include drug dealing, stealing, assault, pandering, murder, and mayhem. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Protesting excessive use of force isn't the same as thinking it should be an equal fight. Just as saying "Black Lives Matter" doesn't mean other lives don't matter. That idea of an equal fight is anecdotal at best. When have you ever heard that openly expressed?

What criminal have you ever heard demand an equal fight? Fuck an equal fight. They want as much of an unequal fight as they can get. Non-criminal types don't give a shit what kind of fight it is as long as you don't see a Rodney king on tv. There is a lot of ass-whupping that can be done before you get to excessive
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jesus. No class guys.

Go out and hang you a Neegraa and get it over with.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
List goes on. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Must be nice to be able to sum up the world's problems in a tweet sized statement. Or to be able to assign all those problems to liberal causes or liberal lack of logic. All without offering any solutions of your own.
It keeps that personal responsibility beast off your back. Because if everything is their fault then none of it is yours.