United Nations

What exactly is that organization's mission. These Russians are killing innocent people and destroying
their country. Why hasn't the UN manned up and toasted Russia?
That beautiful New York building should be emptied and used to house the homeless.
Ripmany's Avatar
Because Russian is of the top 7 national with veto power. Russian like number two judge you think would stop it you off.
Putin has Nukes.
HedonistForever's Avatar
What exactly is that organization's mission. These Russians are killing innocent people and destroying
their country. Why hasn't the UN manned up and toasted Russia?
That beautiful New York building should be emptied and used to house the homeless. Originally Posted by eddieg5212

Maybe Maxine Waters should have thought of that the other day when she had to tell an unruly crowd, that she had no more "goodies" to pass out and the crowd was getting angry. "Go home" said Maxine Waters to a crowd of homeless people. How fucking dis-connected from reality does someone have to be to make that statement.

"We are homeless" the crowd yelled, "we have no home to go to". I kept thinking to myself, I wish someone had yelled "we are homeless you stupid bitch".
HedonistForever's Avatar
Putin has Nukes. Originally Posted by Jackie S

And the leader of North Korea, smiles and says, "and that is why I will never give up my nuclear weapons". We are demonstrating to the world that any country with nuclear weapons can do as they please because we are to afraid to confront then. I say Putin is bluffing. He knows that if he detonates a tactical nuke in Ukraine, that NATO ( I would hope ) would go after Putin and Putin can't even defeat the Ukrainian army much less a combined NATO force.

I say call Putin's bluff. Give Ukraine all the MIG, tanks, missiles and anti-missile defenses to DEFEAT Russia and finally remove Putin from the world stage.

If the West had any balls at all, there would be a joint document from the US, the British and the French, that if Putin uses a nuclear weapon, these 3 countries will declare war on Russia and use 3 nuclear arsenals to wipe Russia off the map so don't even think about using those weapons.

Pull all your troops from the sovereign state of Ukraine and we will assure you that no military actions will be conducted against Russian soil.

Your move Mr. Putin.
texassapper's Avatar

Stop volunteering other people to fight the battle you are spoiling for.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Pull all your troops from the sovereign state of Ukraine and we will assure you that no military actions will be conducted against Russian soil... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
As OBammy said: We ain't got no dog in the hunt.
HedonistForever's Avatar

Stop volunteering other people to fight the battle you are spoiling for. Originally Posted by texassapper

Volunteering other people? Where exactly did I do that? I see reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. Sounds like you need to check your meds.

Never said any American or anybody other than a Ukrainian should be directly involved in this.

I'll bet you would have been the guy with the biggest sign in 1941. America, stay out of this war!!!

And FYI, I did sign up to fight for my country if I was called to do so. Did you serve?

... Hey Mates -- No reason to barney and piss-up
someone else's thread... Why not save it for "our" threads.

Just answer the O.P.'s question.

Like so: The UN is nothing more than a political arm of
whichever party happens to be in power at the time.

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
The majority of Americans when asked, should we help Ukraine with military equipment answer YES.

When asked if we should send troops the majority says no. I agree with both opinions and feel comfortably doing so.


Roughly a third of Americans (32%) say that the United States is providing about the right amount of support to Ukraine as it fights to hold off the Russian invasion. A larger share – 42% – say the U.S. should be providing more support to Ukraine, while just 7% say it is providing too much support.

51% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents and 50% of Democrats and Democratic leaners – regard the Russian invasion as a “major threat” to U.S. interests.

So half the country thinks we do have a dog in this hunt.
HedonistForever's Avatar

. Originally Posted by texassapper

STFU you coward!
texassapper's Avatar
Volunteering other people? Where exactly did I do that? I see reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. Sounds like you need to check your meds. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Did I quote you? Then it's considered a response to the OP...

THat's sort of standard logic as even if I was responding to you, someone may post before I hit save and then it wouldn't be a response to you.

I'll just assume it's because it was Monday.

And FYI, I did sign up to fight for my country if I was called to do so. Did you serve? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
LOL. wow you signed up for selective service what a standup dude! LOL

Yeah, I served.
texassapper's Avatar
STFU you coward! Originally Posted by HedonistForever
LOL... too stupid to understand how forums work... I'm the coward? Listen selective service war hero, you wouldn't know the first damn thing about it.. LOL.
HedonistForever's Avatar
LOL... too stupid to understand how forums work... I'm the coward? Listen selective service war hero, you wouldn't know the first damn thing about it.. LOL. Originally Posted by texassapper

You are right, I don't know the first damn think about you ( and you don't know the first thing about me ) other than you calling me a pussy, so I thought I would just return the gesture because I would be a pussy not to. You insult me, I insult you back. Nothing more, nothing less.

As to whether we have a "dog in this hunt", General Milley testified before Congress today and in his opening remarks he said

"We are witness to the greatest threat and security of Europe "and perhaps the whole world", in my 42 years in uniform".

Sure sounds like the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, thinks we just may have a dog in this hunt.
And the leader of North Korea, smiles and says, "and that is why I will never give up my nuclear weapons". We are demonstrating to the world that any country with nuclear weapons can do as they please because we are to afraid to confront then. I say Putin is bluffing. He knows that if he detonates a tactical nuke in Ukraine, that NATO ( I would hope ) would go after Putin and Putin can't even defeat the Ukrainian army much less a combined NATO force.

I say call Putin's bluff. Give Ukraine all the MIG, tanks, missiles and anti-missile defenses to DEFEAT Russia and finally remove Putin from the world stage.

If the West had any balls at all, there would be a joint document from the US, the British and the French, that if Putin uses a nuclear weapon, these 3 countries will declare war on Russia and use 3 nuclear arsenals to wipe Russia off the map so don't even think about using those weapons.

Pull all your troops from the sovereign state of Ukraine and we will assure you that no military actions will be conducted against Russian soil.

Your move Mr. Putin. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Though I might do things slightly differently, we agree here. I’d actively box Russia in since they’ve invaded Ukraine. I’d arm them to the hilt in hopes they destroy the Russian army rather than drive them across the border. As for nonRussian Russian allies (ie Belarus) the US would levy all the same sanctions on them as we have on Russia and if they allowed or launched any attacks into Ukraine we’d destroy their military complex utterly through a bombing and missiles campaign the Russians would be jealous of.

Our semi-truce in Syria would be over and they’d get some of the might of the US air power love as well if they sent or supported another troop to Ukraine.

I’d also supply Ukraine with a means to attack the Russian navy while floating a small carrier group into the Black Sea.

And since the Russians want to kill civilians while the flee the war zone, I’d put our and NATO’s Air Force in those corridors to prevent aerial bombardment. Not a “no fly” zone but these are “safe zones” where no military munitions would be used and those people and out aircraft would only attack in defense of themselves or the people.

Putin would have to make a difficult choice. How far does he really want to push this. And the deployment of a nuke of any type tactical or otherwise would be a hard red line of suicide for him and his regime as that would cause retaliation like he couldn’t understand. This would be unambiguous and relayed to him and China. Even to the point of attacking conceptually first an actual Russian city and if nukes were on the table he’d have to be removed by his people, the Chinese or the US. But he couldn’t remain regardless.