What makes a provider a great provider?

Hey everyone, I am just curious on what everyone thinks makes a great provider, what are the do & don'ts to become one?

Im pretty new to the industry so any comments you think would be helpful will be greatly appreciated, please feel free to pm me also ;-)

h2theizzo's Avatar
I'll try to speak for everyone with some vague, banal, generalities. I would say "Nice threAD", but you're about to head back to Dallas...

1) Be into the session (or act like it at least). Make it appear as though you actually enjoy the experience.
2) Don't clock-watch (like a hawk). It makes sense for each party to respect the others time, but things like updates on time remaining are not a good look.
3) Be high-energy/up-beat. Nobody likes a downer.
4) Be fresh and clean. Otherwise...yeah...ew.
5) If your menu has limitations, make them public. Don't preface every session with "I don't do X, Y, Z", but some of the more obvious stuff like "CBJ only" or "No CIM". Try to get all that out before the meet even happens, or at least before requesting/accepting donation.
6) Have accurate and recent pictures. They don't have to be professional, phones nowadays come with 5-8 MP cameras, the quality is great. B&S is straight BS.

I dunno, I'm pretty new, too. Add what you will to what I wrote, clarify things, I know that Point #1 is Overly vague...Happy Hobbying.
Those things are good.
Also, it is best to mention everything your services allow in your showcase and on P411. You can't mention services in ads here.
But, you can put all that in your showcase. If you run a special, honor it for the entire listed time.

No one likes to see a special rate and then get there and told the rate special is over.

Have your place clean and bed made up. And be prepared for the session.

So, if that means not booking back to back to back sessions so be it..

Give yourself at least 30 min to an hour between sessions. No one should ever pull up and see someone walking out the room. Not cool at all.

Be consistent in your services and sessions and it will be reflected in all of your reviews.
Enjoy what you do, and do what you enjoy.
Smile....it goes a long way. Even on the phone smile.....the other party really can tell.
Shouldn't have to say this one but.....always be clean, neat, lightly fragranced.
The success of any great company is their attention to detail in the customer service arena. Ask for feedback.

I'm still thinking.........more later!!

P.S,.......fellas take note, some of this may come in handy for you too!!!
flowerflower1's Avatar
ladies these fine gentlemen have given some great advice.... take note!!

the illusion of passion can not be overstated for most of us...
  • pyro
  • 09-24-2011, 03:38 PM
S & H GreenStamps always appreciated!

(trying to get a toaster ya know...)

and free parking with validation helps too.
Thank you so much for your replies, it is truly wonderful advise & it is greatly appreciated

Being reliable and treating every client like gold
DallasRain's Avatar
all great answers

reliability/marketing & a good reputation will get you a good long career!
A lot of great advice here.Also important any drama you might have in your personal life,leave it there.That's not what we called you for.Most of the time were trying to get a break from our own personal drama.Just my 2cents.
Hyperdrive Good One! So many providers forget to leave the personal drama at home.
Here's another one...be ready for your appointment at least 15min before the client gets there. Arriving late and rushing in while the client is outside watching you is not a good look.
Really appreciate all the feed back ;-)

Everyone has really great advise I love it!

Thank you so much

bistraight69's Avatar
Do not answer the phone or text during a session.
Do not answer the phone or text during a session. Originally Posted by bistraight69