A Question about a Hit and Run

This morning I got run off the road by a 18-wheeler. While I was calling 911,the truck took off and I didn't get any info. I know I'm pretty much fucked. My car is not totaled(thank god)but I'm looking at missing work for 2 weeks. Any legal advice?
I believe, I would have called the police........

Then there would have been an accident report, then you would have it documented...

Lawyers love them 18 wheel trucks.......

Sorry for your luck, glad you are ok.
I just want to be clear on a few things, did the 18 wheeler make direct contact with your vehicle? Another little question, did the 18 Wheeler make an unlawful manuever without making contact with your vehicle which caused you to go off the road, causing damage to your vehicle? These are a few things you might want to think about. I would certainly have a Police Report made.
Oh,I did made a police report.When I called 911,the truck took off!The officer came within 2 minutes!He got my story as well as the state trooper.
Oh,I did made a police report.When I called 911,the truck took off!The officer came within 2 minutes!He got my story as well as the state trooper. Originally Posted by ultraphobic71
Two minute response time, thats quick. Well hopefully it all works out good for ya.