
loveboydodo's Avatar
How to get viagra without prescription?
LexusLover's Avatar
Rob a pharmacy!
fly to costa rica or other nearby sane country where pharmacies aren't an extension of big brother government
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Get premium membership and then re-read this post

Stop and most gas stations and buy Black Panthers. Supposedly the same ingredient.
you can get them( generic) from Canada online and they are pretty good,. Do NOT buy them from India...they suck!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Don't. If you can afford pussy, you can afford to go to the danged doctor first and at least get checked out. Certain un-diagnosed health conditions can make this, as any other drug, dangerous to experiment with. Do you want to be the guy left naked, stiff, and dead in the bed for the no-tell maid to find the next day, news story at 10? (See the medical emergency thread.)

Now, when you go to the doc and are green-lighted, ask for samples first. And as Ralphey Boy said, there are reputable Canadian sources, like Northwest Pharmacy, where you can get medication much cheaper than in the US, but they likely will still require a script faxed by your physician, and it can take as long as a month to get your shipment.
Don't. If you can afford pussy, you can afford to go to the danged doctor first and at least get checked out.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Maybe he did that already and just trying to save money.

The usa med system increases Rx costs by 2 to 10 times.
Maybe he did that already and just trying to save money.

The usa med system increases Rx costs by 2 to 10 times. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Or trying to be discreet.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Maybe he did that already and just trying to save money.

The usa med system increases Rx costs by 2 to 10 times. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Or trying to be discreet. Originally Posted by thedragonlives

Perhaps. Many doctors will discuss sourcing. Mine had no problem informing and warning me about foreign avenues when I needed costly long-term meds for my thyroid, and recommended a discounted outlet.

Lot of scammers out there pouring poopy sawdust into capsules, so gents should be careful and research, just like they do (hopefully) for the Hobby.

I agree that American medications are outrageously expensive! Our system sucks. Maybe Trump can fix it, but I won't hold my breath or I'll be blue as the pills.

No need for "shyness" or worry over discretion if you have a trustworthy doctor. Medicos take an oath to keep their patients' secrets in confidentiality. If any doctor imparts health info to a patient's family or authorities without a court order, he would and should be sued up the creek and back, and his license yanked. It's nobody's business what pill someone wants, but a medical emergency stomps ANYTHING else. Best to have scripts documented in case the worst happens, especially since adverse reactions to other meds often occur when under treatment for an entirely different condition, and if someone gets a bad batch from somewhere unreliable, there's no recourse and a critical delay if docs don't know everything a patient is taking and where it came from.

Be safe, not sorry. But about that... Not sure the OP is much concerned with safety, so never mind.
Be safe, not sorry. But about that... Not sure the OP is much concerned with safety, so never mind.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
usually the men on the pill.....

.....already have one foot in the grave.

Oh....and trump cant fix the Rx problems. Only the consumers can fix it.
ArchAngel10's Avatar
south of the border. you can get it without a prescription.

1. its an eight hour drive from here to the border. 6 if you drive 85. (lol)

2. you can fly. but the cheapest ticket is around 200. once youre there you'd have to take a taxi to one of the local pharmacies. Unless you fly to either Mexico City, Guadalajara or Cancun (its expensive at the airport in Cancun) where there are pharmacies at the airport so you dont have to leave.

3. have a friend thats planning on going south of the border and is willing to get it for you.
LexusLover's Avatar
3. have a friend thats planning on going south of the border and get it for you. Originally Posted by ArchAngel10
That's called an "ex-friend"!
i saw some en la farma last week. but i didn't ask the price. the c pill was there too.