Why Yall so quiet on here?

Something just hit me while I was perusing the last topic in this section. That is, why are the ladies so reserved on the board. Just go peruse the forums right now. All you hear from nearly are us horn dogs talking to each other. It's about like a damn locker room on SBC board. Except for ads you seldom hear much chatter from our ladies. And I know you schmucks are bout like me in that you'd a whole lot rather read comments from the likes of MMM, Leha, DD, WW and oh my Meredith than some ole hairy legged horn dog now wouldn't ya ?
Now here's the interesting observation- all of the above are phenomenal conversationalists. At least in person. Hell I am a talkative kinda fella all the time but when I get alone in a room with SBC ladies, I have to just jump in there somewhere to contribute to the conversation cause they can talk up a storm.
So, I pose my inquiry to the gals round here.
Why don't Yall gab more in these forums. We all want to hear from ya. So come on ladies. Chime in here from time to time would ya. Some of ya never join the conversation. And I for one want to hear from ya. I miss ya all!
Himeros Desire God's Avatar
Amen brother!!!!!

Ladies, Talk to us...

How I love me some MMM conversation, I would also love to hear from Mrs. Heart shaped pussy...
Yeah I know. I miss our extended conversations. MMM is gifted in many ways. But mostly in just bein a 'friend'. Of course those 'benefits' are a treat to though. Don't get me wrong.