Jules and I have been naughty.... and I am getting spanked for it....

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-03-2011, 05:03 PM
Seems that SOMEONE got offended (fucking website TOS- grrrr) at Jules' titty gif I made for her... and some other naughty images I was hosting on my site... Putting pics of my ass in thongs is ok.. but nudes aren't.

Tee Hee Hee

Seems my spanking will continue for 72 hours... meaning my site has been suspended until then.

I still have my showcase here, and I might actually upload all the pics from my site to there for now.

This is just an FYI to the oh.... 30 or so people that have been so sweet as to let me know my site is all screwed up. *sigh*
Hey Ze,

Your fucking website is down, what gives?
  • T-Can
  • 08-03-2011, 05:28 PM
I'm sending Helga over there right now to beat the shit outta both of ya! Oh yeah, and to get Ze's site up.....
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Is helga hot???
  • T-Can
  • 08-03-2011, 05:35 PM
Is helga hot??? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Her name is Helga, of course she's hot! Duh!

*except for the fact she has mipples (man nipples) on what looks more like moobs (man boobs) than actual boobs but the good thing is, we shaved each other's ass's before she headed over.....FYI, I smelled something rank while she was bending over and it wasn't coming from her already smelly ass

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Nice threAD ze
just4funindfw's Avatar
Forget Helga. I am coming over to give you and Jules the spanking you deserve and a marathon f*ck until your site is back on. Hehe.
Do you know who's even hotter than Helga? Ilza, Shewolf of the SS!!!

Oh yeah, ~Ze~ your website is down...what gives??? (LOL...I know, its lost its muchness!!!)
and some other naughty images I was hosting on my site Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Told you to get that weed wacker, now you will believe me. lol

Oh darn.

And here I was thinking that we were going to be seeing pics of you and Jules actually giving spankings to each other.

Stiletto Kitty
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
we can make that happen LOL
Iaintliein's Avatar
Do you know who's even hotter than Helga? Ilza, Shewolf of the SS!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YS10vQ_ax8 Originally Posted by Inlikeflynn

You know, this is off subject a little, but. . . I thought about this video the other day when I saw an ISO for a Jewish provider. I've photographed Lindsey in her nun's outfit which, I'm guessing, is a particular turn on to those raised Catholic. And it just set me wondering if there were Jewish clients out there who would get a kick out of a dom in an Ilza outfit.

Poor taste? Certainly, but that's relative. Over the top? Good question. The SS were monsters for the most part, but you have to admit, they were the best dressed monsters in history.
Hercules's Avatar
Ze has a website?....Eer HAD a website?