My wife frequently logs on to NTTA.ORG and checks my daughters toll tag to see where she's been. If she ever checks mine I'll have a lot of explaining to do. "Why were you at George and Preston at 1:00 a.m.?" I don't need this breadcrumb trail which could easily destroy my marriage. So I will no longer visit any escort incalls located on toll roads or turnpikes. I will limit my hobbying to
35, 635, and downtown. Sorry, but I have to be more careful. SAFETY FIRST.
You can always stay on the service roads.
I'm not interested in slow service roads with numerous long red lights. Too much trouble to keep up with 2 toll tags. My wife sometimes drives my car. What if she found the second toll tag? There are more than enough escort choices on 635 and 35. I don't need the risk.
Why is this an alert? Should be coed