The Best of Intentions (or the Miss Que from hell)

"I'm really into the Peter Pan thing."

So what would you think? Me too. You mean boychild? You wanna do a Robin Hood impersonation and run around in green tights and a feathered cap? Am I Wendy? Tinkerbelle? Captain Hook? (Capitan Hooker??) The actual story/ Premise behind it?

"I like to fly."

Ooooooo-kkkkkkkkkk. Physically fly? Not hallucinogenic? I'm a No drugs, No intoxicants type person.

"No, I mean really fly."

Oh hell yeah!, I'm thinking. I've been relearning my roping and suspension skills and I'm ready! We are on. Send him the normal do's and don't list. He's scened with some excellent people (and I have to admit I really want to put my skills on the line against a few of these people.)

So I double book the dungeon - once for practice, one for the real. My 'crash test dummy' is as usual awesome. (Love me some G.S.) he works with me as wee measure and adjust the stands, make sure my knots are proper, that I can literally raise the roped etc, fun time.

I'm picturing some really awesome suspensions, graceful twisted works of art. I have yards and yards of rope ready. I have 4 different harness ties ready, already have the 'in transits' tied down and ready.

"Peter" arrives a GD diaper!

I don't even have a comment!! I'm at a lose for words here. All I can this is what a waste of rope. What did you do next? That's what I wanna know!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Wow. When I read "Peter Pan", I immediately thought mommy play or age play of some sort.

Ugh is right! But if you had known, it wouldn't have been such a letdown. Sorry that happened to you!

Oh E, I know. First thing I thought was 'never grow up' and I do the Peter Pans. I don't do parent/child scenes. (I'm one kickass daughter and an even better mom). But when he said 'fly' physically fly - okay. I even double checked all our convos and his questionnaire and I know in our phone/IMs there was no 'potty' talk.

I did fubar by not doing my normal scene start of actually sitting down and having the face to face 'we are on the same page' talk. BUT we had (I thought) worked this out. The site he contacted me off even says "No potty, animals, age or familial play." BUT...I guess technically a diaper isn't a potty now is it?

Britney, I wanted to do a Yosemite Sam; throw my crop on the floor and jump up and down cussing. It was an obvious stop. He did pay me half the dungeon rental for our session and I was able to refer him to another great Lady.
I was able to be professional etc until I called my tester and started in. "Cuss this, swear words that, rated x language here and there." Made worse by him laughing like a hyena.

Needless to say, I was just very frustrated on so many levels. It's funny now, but that evening..not at all.
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohoooo babee I luv ya!!!!!!!!!!!!
O M G, that is so funny!!!!! Dadgumit!!!

I have had some crossed signals, but WOW!!!

I love it, Wish I was there, we woulda flown someone!

DallasRain's Avatar
Damn you DR, That is fuckkin hot!!! I think I now have a KinkerBell fantasy.

OMG, Dallas Darlin'! I always knew in my heart of hearts that Tink was a nasty little girl, but seeing the proof? - Damn Fine. Thanks for sharing, m'dear!
Willen's Avatar
Even the poorly endowed male would never feel inadequate with her. And I do wonder about the Captain's hook.